Posts Tagged ‘‘rare’’

Rare fossils give researchers insight into evolution of bird-like dinosaur

An international team of researchers discovered a new species of dinosaur, Xiyunykus pengi, during an expedition to Xinjiang, China. The discovery is the latest stemming from a partnership between the George Washington University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The findings were published today in Current Biology along with the description of a second new […]

WFS News: Los Angeles construction unearths ‘rare’ fossil trove

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev The fossilized remains of creatures that roamed southern California 10,000 years ago were discovered by a crew digging for a subway extension under the busy streets of Los Angeles. Ashley Leger works for a company contracted by Los Angeles transportation officials to keep paleontologists on hand as the […]