Chinese researchers have tracked the “exceptionally well-preserved fossils” to the Middle Triassic of China (235-242 million years ago). The Triassic period saw the re-establishment of ecosystems after the Permian mass extinction. The fossils represent new evidence that marine ecosystems re-established more quickly than previously thought. The Permian mass extinction had a bigger impact on the […]
Archive for February 13th, 2013
Inoceramus : Stock Photo, World Fossil Society

This Inoceramus specimen on limestone clump is from Cretaceous Trichy, India. Name: Inoceramus (Strong pot). Phonetic: In-o-cer-a-mus. Named By: James Sowerby – 1814. Classification: Mollusca, Bivalvia, Pteriomorphia, Praecardioida, Inoceramidae. Species: I. bellvuensis, I. biformis, I. comancheanus, I. dakotensis, I. perplexus, I. pictus, I. proximus, I. triangularis. Type: Filter feeder. Size: Largest specimen measures 1.87 meters. […]