Citation: Salas-Gismondi R, Flynn JJ, Baby P, Tejada-Lara JV, Claude J, Antoine P-O (2016) A New 13 Million Year Old Gavialoid Crocodylian from Proto-Amazonian Mega-Wetlands Reveals Parallel Evolutionary Trends in Skull Shape Linked to Longirostry. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0152453. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152453 Editor: Laurent Viriot, Team ‘Evolution of Vertebrate Dentition’, FRANCE ABSTRACT: Gavialoid crocodylians are the archetypal […]
Archive for April 22nd, 2016
13 Million Year Old Gavialoid Crocodylian Reveals Parallel Evolutionary Trend

World Fossil Society : Earth Day

WFS, World Fossil Society Celebrates Earth Day ……… Earth Day is being commemorated on the 22 April. Held around the world, it’s intended as a moment to reflect on and help preserve the health of the planet – but here are five things that you might not have known about the annual event. World Fossil […]