Name Means: “Bird mimic” Length: 5 feet (1.5 m) Pronounced: AYV-ee-MIME-us Weight: 45 pounds (20 kilos) When it lived: Late Cretaceous – 95 MYA Where found: Mongolia, China Avimimus was discovered by Russian paleontologist Sergei Mikhailovich Kurzanov during the exploration of the Joint Soviet-Mongolian paleontological expedition in the summer of 1973, at the Udan-Sayr (southern […]
Archive for December, 2016
WFS news: Limusaurus, A dinosaur species lost its teeth in adolescence

@WFs,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Researchers have discovered that a species of dinosaur, Limusaurus inextricabilis, lost its teeth in adolescence and did not grow another set as adults. The finding, published today in Current Biology, is a radical change in anatomy during a lifespan and may help to explain why birds have beaks […]
WFS News: Satellites help discover a jet stream in the Earth’s core

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev A jet stream within the Earth’s molten iron core has been discovered by scientists using the latest satellite data that helps create an ‘x-ray’ view of the planet. Lead researcher Dr Phil Livermore, from the University of Leeds, said: “The European Space Agency’s Swarm satellites are providing our […]
WFS News: Tingmiatornis arctica,a new species of prehistoric bird

A team of geologists at the University of Rochester has discovered a new species of bird in the Canadian Arctic. At approximately 90 million years old, the bird fossils are among the oldest avian records found in the northernmost latitude, and offer further evidence of an intense warming event during the late Cretaceous period. “The […]
WFS News: Gualicho shinyae , Another Dinosaur with Short Arms

No one is sure what, exactly, Tyrannosaurus rex did with its short arms. But Argentinian and American scientists have discovered a new dinosaur species that had the same puzzling feature, they reported this week (July 13) in PLOS One. Gualicho shinyae, whose 90 million-year-old fossil remains were found in Patagonia, Argentina, was 25 feet long […]
WFS News: Dinosaur tail complete with its feathers trapped in a piece of amber

Researchers from China, Canada, and the University of Bristol have discovered a dinosaur tail complete with its feathers trapped in a piece of amber.The finding reported today in Current Biology helps to fill in details of the dinosaurs’ feather structure and evolution, which can’t be surmised from fossil evidence. While the feathers aren’t the first […]
WFS News: Popcorn-rocks solve the mystery of the magma chambers

Since the 18th century, geologists have struggled to explain how big magma chambers form in Earth’s crust. In particular, it has been difficult to explain where the surrounding rock goes when the magma intrudes. Now a team of researchers from Uppsala University and the Goethe University in Frankfurt have found the missing rocks — and […]
WFS News:New study describes 200 million years of geological evolution

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T sajeev 200 million years of geological evolution of a fault in Earth’s crust has recently been dated. Published in Nature Communications, these new findings may be used to shed light on poorly understood pathways for methane release from the heart of our planet. Tectonic plates, big sections of Earth’s […]
WFS News: Earth’s deepest forearc basin discovered

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T sajeev,Russel T sajeev Geologists have for the first time seen and documented the Banda Detachment fault in eastern Indonesia and worked out how it formed. Lead researcher Dr Jonathan Pownall from The Australian National University (ANU) said the find will help researchers assess dangers of future tsunamis in the area, which […]