Archive for October, 2020

WFS News: Deep sea coral time machines reveal ancient CO2 burps

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Deep sea coral time machines reveal ancient CO2 burps The fossilised remains of ancient deep-sea corals may act as time machines providing new insights into the effect the ocean has on rising CO2 levels, according to new research carried out by the Universities of Bristol, St Andrews and Nanjing […]

WFS News: New study reveals how reptiles divided up the spoils in ancient seas

@ WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev While dinosaurs ruled the land in the Mesozoic, the oceans were filled by predators such as crocodiles and giant lizards, but also entirely extinct groups such as ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs. Now for the first time, researchers at the University of Bristol have modelled the changing ecologies of […]