Archive for the ‘Featured Post’ Category

WFS News: The first sea turtle??

Several 80-million-year-old fossils found in Alabama are from a species of sea turtle that is the oldest known member of the lineage that gave rise to all modern species of sea turtle, according to new research from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Researchers from the College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Biology worked […]

WFS News: New species of Jurassic reptile (Ichthyosaur)

A new species of British ichthyosaur has been identified using skeletal remains which have been on display at the University of Bristol’s School of Earth Sciences for many years. Ichthyosaurs lived during the age of the dinosaurs but were ocean dwelling reptiles that resembled dolphins or sharks.They were fierce predators, some growing up to 15 […]

WFS News: Drepanosaurus ( small reptile with a fearsome finger)

@WFS,world Fossil Society,Riffin T sajeev,Russel T sajeev Newly recovered fossils confirm thatDrepanosaurus, a prehistoric cross between a chameleon and an anteater, was a small reptile with a fearsome finger. The second digit of its forelimb sported a massive claw. Scientists analyzed 212-million-year-old Drepanosaurus arm fossils that were discovered at the Hayden Quarry in Ghost Ranch, […]

WFS News: Watery secret of the dinosaur death pose

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T sajeev Recreating the spectacular pose many dinosaurs adopted in death might involve following the simplest of instructions: just add water. When palaeontologists are lucky enough to find a complete dinosaur skeleton – whether it be a tiny Sinosauropteryxor an enormous Apatosaurus – there’s a good chance it will be […]

WFS News: Strange reptile fossil (Drepanosaurus) puzzles scientists

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev A 200-million-year-old reptile is rewriting the rulebooks on how four-legged animals conquered the world.Newly discovered fossils suggest Drepanosaurus had huge hooked claws to dig insects from bark, much like today’s anteaters in the forests of Central and South America.Scientists say the creature defies the convention on how reptiles […]

WFS News: Triopticus shows dinosaurs copied body, skull shapes of distant relatives

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T sajeev Iconic dinosaur shapes were present for at least a hundred million years on our planet in animals before those dinosaurs themselves actually appeared. In a study in today’s (Sept. 22) issue of Current Biology, a multi-institutional team of paleontologists including Virginia Tech College of Science researcher Michelle Stocker […]

WFS News: Stalagmites may record past earthquakes

Stalagmites rising from the floor of a cave in southern Indiana may contain traces of past earthquakes in the region, according to a report published September 13 in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. The rock formations in Donnehue’s Cave, and others like them in local caves, could help scientists better understand the […]

WFS News: Laser used to unlock mysteries of fossils

@ WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T sajeev A researcher from the University of Cambridge is on the Bonavista Peninsula to get a better understanding of what’s left some of the oldest organisms in the history of life on earth.Paleontologist Emily Mitchell is using a hand-held laser to map thousands of large, complex fossils — dating from about 560 […]

WFS News: 3D Camouflage in a Psittacosaurus Dinosaur

After reconstructing the colour patterns of a well-preserved dinosaur from China, researchers from the University of Bristol have found that the long-lost species Psittacosaurus (meaning “parrot lizard,” a reference to its parrot-like beak) was light on its underside and darker on top. This colour pattern, known as countershading, is a common form of camouflage in […]

WFS News: A Paleolatitude Calculator for Paleoclimate Studies

A Paleolatitude Calculator for Paleoclimate Studies Douwe J. J. van Hinsbergen ,Lennart V. de Groot,Sebastiaan J. van Schaik,Wim Spakman,Peter K. Bijl,Appy Sluijs, Cor G. Langereis,Henk Brinkhuis Published: June 10, 2015 In the last decade, paleoclimatology has been amongst the most rapidly developing research fields within the Earth Sciences. Crucial information that can be derived […]