WFS News: A New Clevosaurid from the Triassic (Carnian) of Brazil and the Rise of Sphenodontians in Gondwana

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Research published in Scientific Reports describes Clevosaurus hadroprodon, a new reptile species from Rio Grande do Sul state in southern Brazil. Its fossils remains — jaws and associated skull bones — were collected from Triassic rocks (c. 237-228 million-years old) making it the oldest known fossil of its kind in Gondwana, the southern supercontinent that would eventually become Africa, Antarctica, Australia, India, and South America.

Figure 5

Clevosaurus hadroprodon was a small animal, similar in size with common house geckos. It belongs to the Sphenodontia, a group of lepidosaurs (which also includes snakes, lizards and amphisbaenians), that was very diverse and widespread during the Mesozoic era (the “Age of Dinosaurs”), but today has only one remaining living species in New Zealand. Clevosaurus hadroprodon is the oldest member of the Clevosauridae, a group of small sphenodonts that were the first globally distributed lepidosaurs with fossils from the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic of North America, Europe, Asia, Africa and South America.

The dentition of Clevosaurus hadroprodon is an unexpected mix of primitive and derived teeth. It is the oldest occurrence of the typical fully acrodont dentition (teeth fused to the top of the jaw bones) of sphenodontians, but most of its teeth are relatively simple and blade-like, which differs from other, only slightly younger Clevosaurus species that possess well-developed medial-posteromedial (side-to-side) expansions of the teeth for complex grinding. “However, Clevosaurus hadroprodon also possess a large, blunt, tusk-like tooth in the first tooth position of the both premaxilla (upper jaw) and of dentary (lower jaw). This feature is typically observed only in later sphenodontian lineages” says Annie Schmaltz Hsiou, Associate Professor at the University of São Paulo and head of the study. The name “hadroprodon” is Greek for “larger first tooth” in reference to these tusk-like teeth.

Clevosaurus hadroprodon is an important discovery because it combines a relatively primitive sphenodontian-type tooth row with the presence of massive tusk-like teeth that were possibly not for feeding, but rather used for mate competition or defense. If correct, this means that non-feeding dental specializations predated changes in the sphenodontian dentition related to feeding strategies. This is a very exciting discovery.” says co-author Randall Nydam, Professor at Midwestern University (US).

In addition to its unique dentition, the authors stress that Clevosaurus hadroprodon also adds to the growing evidence that the early diversification of sphenodontians occurred in the widely separated regions of Gondwana destined to become South American and India. This illustrates the importance of the role of the Gondwanan lepidosaur fauna in our growing understanding of the earliest stages of sphenodontian evolution and the global biogeographic distribution of lepidosaurs.

  1. Annie S. Hsiou, Randall L. Nydam, Tiago R. Simões, Flávio A. Pretto, Silvio Onary, Agustín G. Martinelli, Alexandre Liparini, Paulo R. Romo de Vivar Martínez, Marina B. Soares, Cesar L. Schultz, Michael W. Caldwell. A New Clevosaurid from the Triassic (Carnian) of Brazil and the Rise of Sphenodontians in GondwanaScientific Reports, 2019; 9 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-48297-9
Source: Midwestern University. “In the shadow of the dinosaurs: A new sphenodontian from Brazil is the oldest record of the group in Gondwana.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 14 August 2019. <>.
@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: Filter feeding in Late Jurassic pterosaurs supported by coprolite contents

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Filter feeding in Late Jurassic pterosaurs supported by coprolite contents

Citation: Qvarnström M, Elgh E, Owocki K, Ahlberg PE, Niedźwiedzki G. 2019Filter feeding in Late Jurassic pterosaurs supported by coprolite contentsPeerJ 7:e7375

(A) Map showing the location of the Wierzbica Quarry in Poland. (B) The location of the Wierzbica Quarry in a simplified geological map of the northern margin of the Holy Cross Mountains (based on Czarnocki, 1938; Urban & Gagol, 2008). (C) Detailed geological section of the tidal flat record with a consecutive succession of facies associations (1–5). The horizons with pterosaur tracks and coprolites are located at the bottom of facies association 4 (upper horizon with tracks) and within facies association 2 (lower horizon with tracks), (modified from Pieńkowski & Niedźwiedzki, 2005). (D) Details of the bottom of track layer 1 with record of pterosaur tracks (m–manus; p–pes) and coprolites (cop). (E) The studied coprolite specimens (MUZ PGI 1663.II.15a-c). (F, G) SEM images of coprolite matrix showing more or less irregular spheres and voids after bacterial activity. (H) EDS spectrum showing the geochemical composition of the coprolite matrix.

(A) Map showing the location of the Wierzbica Quarry in Poland. (B) The location of the Wierzbica Quarry in a simplified geological map of the northern margin of the Holy Cross Mountains (based on Czarnocki, 1938; Urban & Gagol, 2008). (C) Detailed geological section of the tidal flat record with a consecutive succession of facies associations (1–5). The horizons with pterosaur tracks and coprolites are located at the bottom of facies association 4 (upper horizon with tracks) and within facies association 2 (lower horizon with tracks), (modified from Pieńkowski & Niedźwiedzki, 2005). (D) Details of the bottom of track layer 1 with record of pterosaur tracks (m–manus; p–pes) and coprolites (cop). (E) The studied coprolite specimens (MUZ PGI 1663.II.15a-c). (F, G) SEM images of coprolite matrix showing more or less irregular spheres and voids after bacterial activity. (H) EDS spectrum showing the geochemical composition of the coprolite matrix.

Feeding apparatus of Ctenochasma elegans and Phoenicopterus chilensis. Schematic drawing of (A) the jaws and teeth of Ctenochasma elegans (redrawn from Bennett, 2007) and (B) the beak of the recent Chilean Flamingo (redrawn from Mascitti & Kravetz, 2002).

Feeding apparatus of Ctenochasma elegans and Phoenicopterus chilensis.
Schematic drawing of (A) the jaws and teeth of Ctenochasma elegans (redrawn from Bennett, 2007) and (B) the beak of the recent Chilean Flamingo (redrawn from Mascitti & Kravetz, 2002).

Diets of pterosaurs have mainly been inferred from indirect evidence such as comparative anatomy, associations of co-occurring fossils, and functional morphology. Gut contents are rare, and until now there is only a single coprolite (fossil dropping), with unidentified inclusions, known. Here we describe three coprolites collected from a palaeosurface with numerous pterosaur tracks found in early Kimmeridgian (Hypselocyclum Zone) intertidal deposits of the Wierzbica Quarry, Poland. The specimens’ morphology and association to the tracks suggest a pterosaur producer. Synchrotron scans reveal numerous small inclusions, with foraminifera making up the majority of the identifiable ones. Other small remains include shells/carapaces (of bivalves, ostracods, and other crustaceans/arthropods) and bristles (some possibly of polychaete worms). The high density of the small shelly inclusions suggest that they were not accidently ingested, but constituted an important food source for the pterosaur(s), perhaps together with unpreserved soft-bodied animals. The combined evidence from the tracks and coprolites suggest a filter-feeding ctenochasmatid as the most likely tracemaker. If true, this significantly expands the bromalite record for this pterosaur group, which was previously only known from gastroliths. Moreover, this study also provides the first direct evidence of filter feeding in Jurassic pterosaurs and shows that they had a similar diet to the recent Chilean flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis).

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: Spatial Bias in the Marine Fossil Record

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Spatial Bias in the Marine Fossil Record

Citation: Vilhena DA, Smith AB (2013) Spatial Bias in the Marine Fossil Record. PLoS ONE 8(10): e74470.

Editor: Richard J. Butler, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Inference of past and present global biodiversity requires enough global data to distinguish biological pattern from sampling artifact. Pertinently, many studies have exposed correlated relationships between richness and sampling in the fossil record, and methods to circumvent these biases have been proposed. Yet, these studies often ignore paleobiogeography, which is undeniably a critical component of ancient global diversity. Alarmingly, our global analysis of 481,613 marine fossils spread throughout the Phanerozoic reveals that where localities are and how intensively they have been sampled almost completely determines empirical spatial patterns of richness, suggesting no separation of biological pattern from sampling pattern. To overcome this, we analyze diversity using occurrence records drawn from two discrete paleolatitudinal bands which cover the bulk of the fossil data. After correcting the data for sampling bias, we find that these two bands have similar patterns of richness despite markedly different spatial coverage. Our findings suggest that i) long-term diversity trends result from large-scale tectonic evolution of the planet, ii) short-term diversity trends are region-specific, and iii) paleodiversity studies must constrain their analyses to well-sampled regions to uncover patterns not driven by sampling.

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev


WFS News: Deep-sea sediments reveal solar system chaos

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

A day is the time for Earth to make one complete rotation on its axis, a year is the time for Earth to make one revolution around the Sun — reminders that basic units of time and periods on Earth are intimately linked to our planet’s motion in space relative to the Sun. In fact, we mostly live our lives to the rhythm of these astronomical cycles.

The same goes for climate cycles. The cycles in daily and annual sunlight cause the familiar diel swings in temperature and the seasons. On geologic time scales (thousands to millions of years), variations in Earth’s orbit are the pacemaker of the ice ages (so-called Milankovitch cycles). Changes in orbital parameters include eccentricity (the deviation from a perfect circular orbit), which can be identified in geological archives, just like a fingerprint.

The dating of geologic archives has been revolutionized by the development of a so-called astronomical time scale, a “calendar” of the past providing ages of geologic periods based on astronomy. For example, cycles in mineralogy or chemistry of geologic archives can be matched to cycles of an astronomical solution (calculated astronomical parameters in the past from computing the planetary orbits backward in time). The astronomical solution has a built-in clock and so provides an accurate chronology for the geologic record.

However, geologists and astronomers have struggled to extend the astronomical time scale further back than about fifty million years due to a major roadblock: solar system chaos, which makes the system unpredictable beyond a certain point.

In a new study published in the journal Science, Richard Zeebe from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa and Lucas Lourens from Utrecht University now offer a way to overcome the roadblock. The team used geologic records from deep-sea drill cores to constrain the astronomical solution and, in turn, used the astronomical solution to extend the astronomical time scale by about 8 million years. Further application of their new method promises to reach further back in time still, one step and geologic record at a time.

On the one hand, Zeebe and Lourens analyzed sediment data from drill cores in the South Atlantic Ocean across the late Paleocene and early Eocene, ca. 58-53 million years ago (Ma). The sediment cycles displayed a remarkable expression of one particular Milankovitch parameter, Earth’s orbital eccentricity. On the other hand, Zeebe and Lourens computed a new astronomical solution (dubbed ZB18a), which showed exceptional agreement with the data from the South Atlantic drill core.

“This was truly stunning,” Zeebe said. “We had this one curve based on data from over 50-million-year-old sediment drilled from the ocean floor and then the other curve entirely based on physics and numerical integration of the solar system. So the two curves were derived entirely independently, yet they looked almost like identical twins.”

Zeebe and Lourens are not the first to discover such agreement — the breakthrough is that their time window is older than 50 Ma, where astronomical solutions disagree. They tested 18 different published solutions but ZB18a gives the best match with the data.

The implications of their work reach much further. Using their new chronology, they provide a new age for the Paleocene-Eocene boundary (56.01 Ma) with a small margin of error (0.1%). They also show that the onset of a large ancient climate event, the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), occurred near an eccentricity maximum, which suggests an orbital trigger for the event. The PETM is considered the best paleo-analog for the present and future anthropogenic carbon release, yet the PETM’s trigger has been widely debated. The orbital configurations then and now are very different though, suggesting that impacts from orbital parameters in the future will likely be smaller than 56 million years ago.

Zeebe cautioned, however, “None of this will directly mitigate future warming, so there is no reason to downplay anthropogenic carbon emissions and climate change.”

Regarding implications for astronomy, the new study shows unmistakable fingerprints of solar system chaos around 50 Ma. The team found a change in frequencies related to Earth’s and Mars’ orbits, affecting their amplitude modulation (often called a “beat” in music).

“You can hear amplitude modulation when tuning a guitar. When two notes are nearly the same, you essentially hear one frequency, but the amplitude varies slowly — that’s a beat,” Zeebe explained. In non-chaotic systems, the frequencies and beats are constant over time, but they can change and switch in chaotic systems (called resonance transition). Zeebe added, “The change in beats is a clear expression of chaos, which makes the system fascinating but also more complex. Ironically, the change in beats is also precisely what helps us to identify the solution and extend the astronomical time scale.”

  1. Richard E. Zeebe, Lucas J. Lourens. Solar System chaos and the Paleocene–Eocene boundary age constrained by geology and astronomyScience, 2019; 365 (6456): 926 DOI: 10.1126/science.aax0612
University of Hawaii at Manoa. “Deep-sea sediments reveal solar system chaos: An advance in dating geologic archives.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 29 August 2019. <>.
@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: The oldest parasite DNA ever recorded has been found

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

A team of Argentinian scientists from the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) made the discovery after studying a coprolite taken from a rock-shelter in the country’s mountainous Catamarca Province, where the remains of now extinct megafauna have previously been recovered in stratigraphic excavations.

Radiocarbon dating revealed that the coprolite and thus the parasitic roundworm eggs preserved inside dated back to between 16,570 and 17,000 years ago, towards the end of the last Ice Age.

At that time, the area around the shelter at Peñas de las Trampas in the southern Andean Puna was thought to have been wetter than today, making it a suitable habitat for megafauna like giant ground sloths, and also smaller herbivores like American horses and South American camelids which the pumas may have preyed on.

Ancient mitochondrial DNA analysis was used to confirm the coprolite came from a Puma (Puma concolor) and that the eggs belonged to Toxascaris leonina, a species of roundworm still commonly found in the digestive systems of modern day cats, dogs and foxes.

The study, published in the journal Parasitology, explains that the extremely dry, cold and salty conditions which took hold at the Peñas de las Trampas site since the onset of the Holocene would have helped to reduce the breakdown of the DNA, allowing it to be preserved.

Led by Romina Petrigh and Martín Fugassa, the study was carried out by an interdisciplinary team including archaeologists and biologists and is part of a project that views ancient faeces as important paleobiological reservoirs.

Dr Petrigh, from the National University of Mar del Plata and CONICET, said: “While we have found evidence of parasites in coprolites before, those remains were much more recent, dating back only a few thousand years. The latest find shows that these roundworms were infecting the fauna of South America before the arrival of the first humans in the area around 11,000 years ago.”

She added: “I was very happy when I discovered how old this DNA was. It’s difficult to recover DNA of such an old age as it usually suffers damage over time. Our working conditions had to be extremely controlled to avoid contamination with modern DNA, so we used special decontaminated reagents and disposable supplies. Several experiments were performed to authenticate the DNA sequences obtained and the efforts of the team of researchers who participated was essential.”

The discovery marks a number of firsts: it represents the oldest record of an ancient DNA sequence for a gastrointestinal nematode parasite of wild mammals, the oldest molecular parasite record worldwide, and also a new maximum age for the recovery of old DNA of this origin.

For Dr Petrigh, the findings also cast light on both the past and the present. She said: “This work confirms the presence of T. leonina in prehistoric times, presumably even before that of humans in the region, and it represents the oldest record in the world. The common interpretation is that the presence of T. leonina in American wild carnivores today is a consequence of their contact with domestic dogs or cats, but that should no longer be assumed as the only possible explanation.

“Our aDNA studies have also confirmed the presence of pumas in the southern Puna at the end of the Pleistocene. This has significant implications for the natural history of the region, as well as for inferring the ecological context immediately before — as far as is known — the first human explorers ventured into the area.”

She added: “The large number of eggs of T. leonina and its larva state in the puma coprolite analysed here indicate the high infective capacity of this parasite, involving a high risk for carnivores and for humans.”

  1. Romina S. Petrigh, Jorge G. Martínez, Mariana Mondini, Martín H. Fugassa. Ancient parasitic DNA reveals Toxascaris leonina presence in Final Pleistocene of South AmericaParasitology, 2019; 146 (10): 1284 DOI: 10.1017/S0031182019000787
Cambridge University Press. “Prehistoric puma feces reveals oldest parasite DNA ever recorded: The oldest parasite DNA ever recorded has been found in the ancient, desiccated feces of a puma.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 27 August 2019. <>
@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: Fossil Anemone Tracks Don’t Fit Evolution

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Interesting markings were recently found on a rock in Newfoundland. A study concluded that they were trails left by seafloor-dwelling animals around 565 million years ago. But such a find is difficult to reconcile with the evolutionary teaching that muscles, and therefore animal locomotion, did not evolve until much later.

Before they could suggest that evolutionary history ought to be rewritten on this point, researchers first had to be quite certain that they were looking at some kind of animal track. They found over 70 tracks up to 13mm wide and 17cm long. At the end of some of the marks in siltstone was a circular kind of “footprint.” The traces cannot be scratch marks, because they show curves and “directional changes.”1 Does any living animal make similar markings on today’s seafloors?

In their study published in the Geological Society of America’s journal Geology, British and Canadian paleontologists determined that the tracks were comparable to those made by certain modern sea anemones. They wrote, “Anemones are capable of crawling across sediment and can exhibit swimming and burrowing behavior.”1 And anemones have a tubular body plan, which is consistent with the creature that made these tracks.

If correct, this extends muscular animal locomotion “five million years earlier”1 than previous evolutionary thinking had held. Fossil finds consistently cause a rewriting of evolutionary history. There are often as many versions of it as there are scientists looking into the relevant fossils.

For example, a recent find of tracks made by a four-legged creature in Poland demonstrated that animals with fully operable legs were walking long before their supposed ancestors, such as Tiktaalik, “emerged.”2 That highly debated fossil was initially hailed as one of the earliest creatures to make the evolutionary transition from water to land. Although the Polish tracks should erase Tiktaalik’s transitional status, the removal of its accompanying story from textbooks and museums promises to be painstakingly slow.

The Geology study’s authors concluded their report on the Newfoundland tracks with, “We consider that these impressions are consistent with locomotion traces produced by a cnidarian-like organism.”1 Cnidarians are animals that include jellyfish and sea anemones. But how cnidarian-like was it? Since it was presumably able to live, reproduce, consume, metabolize, and move around enough to leave behind a trail, there is no empirical reason to believe that it was anything less than a real and complete sea anemone, perhaps like those living today.

If so, sea anemones may take the prize for the most stable animal life form over the longest evolutionary period of time. Though a body fossil found nearby―either horizontally or below―would provide higher quality evidence that these tracks were indeed made by sea anemones, the evidence at present is convincing.

That would mean that not only do anemones appear suddenly and fully formed in the fossil record, but they were able to leave behind prints of their characteristic circular footpad and have retained the same form since. The anemone has therefore not evolved significantly in “565 million years,” a wildly unlikely assertion in the context of macroevolution.3

The evidence may not fit the evolutionary story, but it does not conflict with biblical history. Ediacaran deposits like the one the tracks were found in can be thought of as remains from the pre-Flood ocean floor. Though in many places it would have been ripped up, reworked, and re-deposited by the great Flood, it appears that some of it was covered over and preserved by flood-borne sediments. Most often, this material lies far beneath vast fossil-bearing flood deposits, but it crops up in a few places around the globe.

In any case, the animal that made these tracks definitely had the ability to move. And moving animals today must use a fully intact suite of precisely specified muscle proteins, including actin, myosin, and a host of supporting enzymes for construction and operation. In jellyfish, which are often transparent, there are no muscle cells. They do have, however, the same muscle proteins as muscle cells have, although the protein suite resides in their skin cells.

Interdependent, complicated systems like these never spontaneously “emerge.” They are always intentionally constructed. And sea anemones, if they are indeed responsible for these tracks, were apparently constructed correctly from the start of creation only thousands, not billions, of years ago.4


  1. Liu, A. G., D. McIlroy, D. and M. Brasier. 2010. First evidence for locomotion in the Ediacara biota from the 565 Ma Mistaken Point Formation, Newfoundland. Geology. 38 (2): 123-126.
  2. Sherwin, F. Banner Fossil for Evolution Is DemotedICR News. Posted on January 27, 2010, accessed February 18, 2010.
  3. The same problem is evident with the damselfly and other living fossils. See Thomas, B. New Population Found of Damselfly ‘Living Fossil.’ ICR News. Posted on January 19, 2010, accessed February 19, 2010.
  4. DeYoung, D. 2005. Thousands, Not Billions. Green Forest, AR: Master Books.

* Mr. Thomas is Science Writer at the Institute for Creation Research.

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev


WFS News: Ancient DNA from a 2,500-year-old Caribbean fossil places an extinct bird

WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Scientists have recovered the first genetic data from an extinct bird in the Caribbean, thanks to the remarkably preserved bones of a Creighton’s caracara from a flooded sinkhole on Great Abaco Island.

Studies of ancient DNA from tropical birds have faced two formidable obstacles. Organic material quickly degrades when exposed to heat, light and oxygen. And birds’ lightweight, hollow bones break easily, accelerating the decay of the DNA within.

But the dark, oxygen-free depths of a 100-foot blue hole known as Sawmill Sink provided ideal preservation conditions for the bones of Caracara creightoni, a species of large carrion-eating falcon that disappeared soon after humans arrived in the Bahamas about 1,000 years ago.

Florida Museum of Natural History postdoctoral researcher Jessica Oswald extracted and sequenced genetic material from a 2,500-year-old C. creightoni femur from the blue hole. Because ancient DNA is often fragmented or missing, Oswald had modest expectations for what she would find — maybe one or two genes. But instead, the bone yielded 98.7% of the bird’s mitochondrial genome, the set of DNA that most living things inherit only from their mothers.

“I was super excited. I would have been happy to get that amount of coverage from a fresh specimen,” said Oswald, lead author of a study describing the work and also a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Nevada, Reno. “Getting DNA from an extinct bird in the tropics is significant because it hasn’t been successful in many cases or even tried.”

The mitochondrial genome showed that C. creightoni is closely related to the two remaining caracara species alive today: the crested caracara, Caracara cheriway, and the southern caracara, Caracara plancus. The three species last shared a common ancestor between 1.2 and 0.4 million years ago.

At least six species of caracara once cleaned carcasses and picked off small prey in the Caribbean. But the retreat of glaciers 15,000 years ago and the resulting rise in sea levels triggered extinctions of many birds, said David Steadman, Florida Museum curator of ornithology.

C. creightoni managed to survive the sweeping climatic changes, but the arrival of people on the islands ultimately heralded the species’ demise, as the tortoises, crocodiles, iguanas and rodents that the caracara depended on for food swiftly disappeared.

“This species would still be flying around if it weren’t for humans,” Steadman said. “We’re using ancient DNA to study what should be modern biodiversity.”

Today, the islands host only a fraction of the wildlife that once flourished in the scrubland, forests and water. But blue holes like Sawmill Sink can offer a portal into the past. Researchers have collected more than 10,000 fossils from the sinkhole, representing nearly 100 species, including crocodiles, tortoises, iguanas, snakes, bats and more than 60 species of birds.

Sawmill Sink’s rich store of fossils was discovered by cave diver Brian Kakuk in 2005 in his quest for horizontal passages in the limestone. The hole was not a popular diving spot: Thirty feet below the surface lay a 20-foot-thick layer of saturated hydrogen sulfide, an opaque mass that not only smells of rotten egg, but also reacts with the freshwater above it to form sulfuric acid, which causes severe chemical burns.

After multiple attempts, Kakuk, outfitted with a rebreather system and extra skin protection, punched through the hydrogen sulfide. His lamp lit up dozens of skulls and bones on the blue hole’s floor.

Soon after, Kakuk and fellow cave diver Nancy Albury began an organized diving program in Sawmill Sink.

“This was found by someone who recognized what it was and never moved anything until it was all done right,” Steadman said.

Though the hydrogen sulfide layer presented a foul problem for divers, it provided excellent insulation for the fossils below, blocking UV light and oxygen from reaching the lower layer of water. Among the crocodile skulls and tortoise shells were the C. creightoni bones, including an intact skull.

“For birds, having an entire head of an extinct species from a fossil site is pretty mind-blowing,” Oswald said. “Because all the material from the blue hole is beautifully preserved, we thought at least some DNA would probably be there.”

Since 2017, Oswald has been revitalizing the museum’s ancient DNA laboratory, testing methods and developing best practices for extracting and analyzing DNA from fossils and objects that are hundreds to millions of years old.

Ancient DNA is a challenging medium because it’s in the process of degradation. Sometimes only a minute quantity of an animal’s original DNA — or no DNA at all — remains after bacteria, fungi, light, oxygen, heat and other environmental factors have broken down an organism.

“With ancient DNA, you take what you can get and see what works,” Oswald said. “Every bone has been subjected to slightly different conditions, even relative to other ones from the same site.”

To maximize her chance of salvaging genetic material, Oswald cleans a bone, freezes it with liquid nitrogen and then pulverizes it into powder with a rubber mallet.

“It’s pretty fun,” she said.

While previous studies required large amounts of bone, Oswald’s caracara work showed ancient DNA could be successfully recovered at a smaller scale.

“This puts an exclamation point on what’s possible with ancient DNA,” said Robert Guralnick, Florida Museum curator of bioinformatics. “We have new techniques for looking at the context of evolution and extinction. Beyond the caracara, it’s cool that we have an ancient DNA lab that’s going to deliver ways to look at questions not only from the paleontological perspective, but also at the beginnings of a human-dominated planet.”

Steadman, who has spent decades researching modern and extinct biodiversity in the Caribbean, said some questions can only be answered with ancient DNA.

“By understanding species that weren’t able to withstand human presence, it helps us better appreciate what we have left — and not just appreciate it, but understand that when these species evolved, there were a lot more things running and flying around than we have today.”

Other co-authors are Julia Allen of the University of Nevada, Reno; Kelsey Witt of the University of California, Merced; Ryan Folk of the Florida Museum and Nancy Albury of the National Museum of the Bahamas.

Source: Florida Museum of Natural History. “Extinct Caribbean bird yields DNA after 2,500 years in watery grave.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 15 August 2019. <>.

WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev



WFS News: prehistoric plesiosaur from Antarctica Breaks a Record for Body Size

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

A hungry Aristonectes plesiosaur eyes a squid in this illustration.

                                A hungry Aristonectes plesiosaur eyes a squid in this illustration.

Paleontologists have discovered the remains of an ancient Loch Ness Monsterlook-alike in freezing Antarctica. And just like the legendary Nessie, it wasn’t the runt of the litter.

The prehistoric plesiosaur — a four-flippered marine reptile that lived during the dinosaur age — measured a colossal 36 feet (11 meters) long from snout to tail, about as long as a modern telephone pole. This newfound “sea monster” is now the largest known elasmosaurid (a type of plesiosaur with a long neck) on record.

“Not only is it quite long, it’s also quite stocky” and weighed nearly 15 tons (13.4 metric tons) when it was alive, making it the heaviest known elasmosaurid, said study lead researcher José O’Gorman, a vertebrate paleontologist at the La Plata Museum and the National University of La Plata in Argentina. [Photos: Uncovering One of the Largest Plesiosaurs on Record]

Researchers unearth the enormous plesiosaur's fossils on Seymour Island, Antarctica.

Researchers unearth the enormous plesiosaur’s fossils on Seymour Island, Antarctica.

Researchers discovered the fossils of the enormous plesiosaur on Antarctia’s Seymour Island (known as “Marambio” in Argentina) in 1989. But the beast was so large and the rock was so hard that it took three return trips — in 2005, 2012 and 2017 — to fully extricate the specimen. During that time, the scientists collected 1,760 lbs. (800 kilograms) of fossilized bones embedded in rock.

On the island, the fossils lay hidden in the López de Bertodano Formation, just 7.5 feet (2.3 meters) below the K/Pg boundary, the geologic line showing the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction. This notorious extinction led to the demise of the nonavian dinosaurs and plesiosaurs, when a 6-mile-long (10 kilometers) asteroid collided with Earth about 66 million years ago.

Given the fossils’ proximity to the K/Pg boundary, this ancient sea monster likely lived 30,000 years before that mass extinction, O’Gorman told Live Science.

This particular plesiosaur likely falls within the genus Aristonectes, but the scientists aren’t sure if it’s a new species, said O’Gorman, who is also part of National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina (CONICET). That’s because the newfound fossils don’t overlap enough with those of other specimens, making comparisons difficult, he said.

In other words, the nickname Nessie might be most appropriate, given the creature’s striking resemblance.

That said, Aristonectes’ remains do shed light on its life. Parts of its vertebrae were fused together, indicating that the creature was a fully grown adult, the researchers found. And although this Aristonectes was a huge beast, its neck wasn’t as elongated as those of other elasmosaurids, because it literally had fewer neck vertebrae. That’s why researchers call it “stocky,” O’Gorman noted.

Even its location fits in with the track record of its relatives, as other late Cretaceous elasmosaurid fossils have been found in the southern portion of the world, including Patagonia (a region in southern Argentina and Chile), western Antarctica and New Zealand, the researchers said.

This newfound Aristonectes likely dined on invertebrates, that is, animals without backbones, such as jellyfish. This specimen’s huge size indicates that its ecosystem was flourishing and likely replete with tasty prey, O’Gorman said. Such plentiful conditions may have lasted until the mass extinction, he added.

The study, which was largely funded by Argentina’s National Antarctic Directorate and the Argentine Antarctic Institute, will be published in the October issue of the journal Cretaceous Research.

Source: Article By Lora Geggel, Live

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: A high-latitude fauna of mid-Mesozoic mammals from Yakutia, Russia

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

A high-latitude fauna of mid-Mesozoic mammals from Yakutia, Russia

Citation: Averianov A, Martin T, Lopatin A, Skutschas P, Schellhorn R, Kolosov P, et al. (2018) A high-latitude fauna of mid-Mesozoic mammals from Yakutia, Russia. PLoS ONE 13(7): e0199983.

Editor: Anthony Fiorillo, Perot Museum of Nature and Science, UNITED STATES

Teeth of Stegosauria indet. (a, b), Ornithischia indet. (c-e), and Eleutherodontidae indet. cf. Sineleutherus sp. (f, g). a, b, ZIN PH 1/246, in occlusal (a) and labial or lingual (b) views. c-e, ZIN PH 2/246, in occlusal (c), lingual (d), and mesial or distal (e) views. f, g, PIN 5614/4, left upper molariform tooth, in labial (f) and occlusal (g) views. Scale bars equal 1 mm.

Teeth of Stegosauria indet.(a, b), Ornithischia indet. (c-e), and Eleutherodontidae indet. cf. Sineleutherus sp. (f, g). a, b, ZIN PH 1/246, in occlusal (a) and labial or lingual (b) views. c-e, ZIN PH 2/246, in occlusal (c), lingual (d), and mesial or distal (e) views. f, g, PIN 5614/4, left upper molariform tooth, in labial (f) and occlusal (g) views. Scale bars equal 1 mm.

The Early Cretaceous (?Berriasian-Barremian) Teete vertebrate locality in Western Yakutia, East Siberia, Russia, has produced mammal remains that are attributed to three taxa: Eleutherodontidae indet. cf. Sineleutherus sp. (Haramiyida; an upper molariform tooth), Khorotherium yakutensis gen. et sp. nov. (Tegotheriidae, Docodonta; maxillary fragment with three molariform teeth and dentary fragment with one molariform tooth), and Sangarotherium aquilonium gen. et sp. nov. (Eutriconodonta incertae sedis; dentary fragment with one erupted molariform tooth and one tooth in crypt). This is the second occurrence of Mesozoic mammals in high latitudes (paleolatitude estimate N 63–70°) of the Northern Hemisphere. In spite of the presumed Early Cretaceous age based on freshwater mollusks, the Teete mammal assemblage has a distinctive Jurassic appearance, being most similar to the Middle-Late Jurassic mammal assemblages known from Siberia, Russia and Xinjiang, China. The smooth transition from Jurassic to Cretaceous biota in Northern Asia is best explained by stable environmental conditions.

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: C. waiparensis, A New penguin species fossil from the Paleocene of New Zealand

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

The discovery of Crossvallia waiparensis, a monster penguin from the Paleocene Epoch (between 66 and 56 million years ago), adds to the list of gigantic, but extinct, New Zealand fauna. These include the world’s largest parrot, a giant eagle, giant burrowing bat, the moa and other giant penguins.

An illustration shows the approximate height of a giant penguin next to a woman. Photograph: Canterbury Museum/AP

An illustration shows the approximate height of a giant penguin next to a woman. Photograph: Canterbury Museum/AP

C. waiparensis is one of the world’s oldest known penguin species and also one of the largest — taller even than today’s 1.2 metre Emperor Penguin — and weighing up to 70 to 80 kg.

Fig. 1 ?Crossvallia waiparensis, sp. nov. from the Waipara Greensand in New Zealand. A‒L, overview of the leg bones preserved in the holotype (CM 2018.23.9) and M‒O, tentatively referred proximal end of a left humerus (CM 2016.158.3). A‒C, Left tibiotarsus in cranial (A), caudal (B) and lateral (C) view. D‒F, Right tibiotarsus in cranial (D), caudal (E) and lateral (F) view. G, H, Distal end of left femur in cranial (G) and caudal (H) view. I‒K, Right tarsometatarsus in cranial (I), plantar (J) and distal (K) view. L, Pedal phalanx. M‒O, Tentatively referred proximal end of left humerus in caudal (M), ventral (N) and cranial (O) view. Abbreviations: cms, crista musculi supracoracoidei; fvd, foramen vasculare distale; fvp, foramen vasculare proximale; pst, pons supratendineus; stv, sulcus transversus. Scale bar = 50 mm. [Colour online].

Fig. 1 ?Crossvallia waiparensis, sp. nov. from the Waipara Greensand in New Zealand. A‒L, overview of the leg bones preserved in the holotype (CM 2018.23.9) and M‒O, tentatively referred proximal end of a left humerus (CM 2016.158.3). A‒C, Left tibiotarsus in cranial (A), caudal (B) and lateral (C) view. D‒F, Right tibiotarsus in cranial (D), caudal (E) and lateral (F) view. G, H, Distal end of left femur in cranial (G) and caudal (H) view. I‒K, Right tarsometatarsus in cranial (I), plantar (J) and distal (K) view. L, Pedal phalanx. M‒O, Tentatively referred proximal end of left humerus in caudal (M), ventral (N) and cranial (O) view. Abbreviations: cms, crista musculi supracoracoidei; fvd, foramen vasculare distale; fvp, foramen vasculare proximale; pst, pons supratendineus; stv, sulcus transversus. Scale bar = 50 mm. [Colour online].

A team comprising Canterbury Museum curators Dr Paul Scofield and Dr Vanesa De Pietri, and Dr Gerald Mayr of Senckenberg Natural History Museum in Frankfurt, Germany, analysed the bones and concluded they belonged to a previously unknown penguin species.In a paper published this week in Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, the team concluded that the closest known relative of C. waiparensis is a fellow Paleocene species Crossvallia unienwillia, which was identified from a fossilised partial skeleton found in the Cross Valley in Antarctica in 2000.

Fig. 2 ?Crossvallia waiparensis, sp. nov. from the Waipara Greensand, bones of the holotype (CM 2018.23.9) in comparison with the extant Emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) and other penguins from the Paleocene of New Zealand. A‒C, ?C. waiparensis (holotype), distal end of left femur in cranial (A), caudal (B), and distal (C) view. D, Kumimanu biceae (holotype, NMNZ S.45877), distal end of right femur in distal view (some surrounding matrix digitally removed). E‒J, Sequiwaimanu rosieae (holotype, CM 2016.6.1), distal end of right femur in cranial (E, H), caudal (F, I) and distal (G, J) view; in H‒J, the bones are mirrored and brought to the same size as the ?C. waiparensis femur. K, Tibiotarsus of Aptenodytes forsteri in cranial view (left side, mirrored). L, ?C. waiparensis (holotype), right tibiotarsus in cranial view. M, Distal end of right tibiotarsus of Waimanu manneringi (holotype, CM zfa 35) in cranial view. N, O, Distal end of left tibiotarsus of S. rosieae (holotype, CM 2016.6.1) in cranial view; in O, the bone is mirrored and brought to the same size as the ?C. waiparensis tibiotarsus. P, Q, Partial right tibiotarsus of K. biceae (holotype, NMNZ S.45877) in cranial view; in P, the condylus medialis was digitally brought in its presumed original position and adhering bone fragments and matrix were digitally removed. R, S, ?C. waiparensis (holotype), right tarsometatarsus in plantar (R) and dorsal (S) view. T, U, Partial left tarsometatarsus of an unnamed very large penguin from the Waipara Greensand (CM 2016.158.1) in plantar (T) and dorsal (U) view. V, W, Right tarsometatarsus of W. manneringi (holotype, CM zfa 35) in plantar (V) and dorsal (W) view. X, Y, Right tarsometatarsus of Muriwaimanu tuatahi (CM zfa 34) in plantar (X) and dorsal (Y) view. Abbreviations: cdl, condylus lateralis; cdm, condylus medialis; mpr, medial projection of proximal tarsometatarsus; prj, proximal projection of crista patellaris; sfb, semicondylus fibularis; spt, sulcus patellaris; stf, semicondylus tibiofibularis. Scale bars = 50 mm; same scale for all figure panels except H‒J and O. [Colour online].

Fig. 2 ?Crossvallia waiparensis, sp. nov. from the Waipara Greensand, bones of the holotype (CM 2018.23.9) in comparison with the extant Emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) and other penguins from the Paleocene of New Zealand. A‒C, ?C. waiparensis (holotype), distal end of left femur in cranial (A), caudal (B), and distal (C) view. D, Kumimanu biceae (holotype, NMNZ S.45877), distal end of right femur in distal view (some surrounding matrix digitally removed). E‒J, Sequiwaimanu rosieae (holotype, CM 2016.6.1), distal end of right femur in cranial (E, H), caudal (F, I) and distal (G, J) view; in H‒J, the bones are mirrored and brought to the same size as the ?C. waiparensis femur. K, Tibiotarsus of Aptenodytes forsteri in cranial view (left side, mirrored). L, ?C. waiparensis (holotype), right tibiotarsus in cranial view. M, Distal end of right tibiotarsus of Waimanu manneringi (holotype, CM zfa 35) in cranial view. N, O, Distal end of left tibiotarsus of S. rosieae (holotype, CM 2016.6.1) in cranial view; in O, the bone is mirrored and brought to the same size as the ?C. waiparensis tibiotarsus. P, Q, Partial right tibiotarsus of K. biceae (holotype, NMNZ S.45877) in cranial view; in P, the condylus medialis was digitally brought in its presumed original position and adhering bone fragments and matrix were digitally removed. R, S, ?C. waiparensis (holotype), right tarsometatarsus in plantar (R) and dorsal (S) view. T, U, Partial left tarsometatarsus of an unnamed very large penguin from the Waipara Greensand (CM 2016.158.1) in plantar (T) and dorsal (U) view. V, W, Right tarsometatarsus of W. manneringi (holotype, CM zfa 35) in plantar (V) and dorsal (W) view. X, Y, Right tarsometatarsus of Muriwaimanu tuatahi (CM zfa 34) in plantar (X) and dorsal (Y) view. Abbreviations: cdl, condylus lateralis; cdm, condylus medialis; mpr, medial projection of proximal tarsometatarsus; prj, proximal projection of crista patellaris; sfb, semicondylus fibularis; spt, sulcus patellaris; stf, semicondylus tibiofibularis. Scale bars = 50 mm; same scale for all figure panels except H‒J and O. [Colour online].

Canterbury Museum Senior Curator Natural History Dr Paul Scofield says finding closely related birds in New Zealand and Antarctica shows our close connection to the icy continent.”When the Crossvallia species were alive, New Zealand and Antarctica were very different from today — Antarctica was covered in forest and both had much warmer climates,” he says.

The leg bones of both Crossvallia penguins suggest their feet played a greater role in swimming than those of modern penguins, or that they hadn’t yet adapted to standing upright like modern penguins.

Fig. 3 A‒C, Holotype (CM 2018.23.9) and D‒F, tentatively referred proximal humerus (CM 2016.158.3) of ?Crossvallia waiparensis, sp. nov. from the Waipara Greensand in New Zealand, in comparison with G‒L, the holotype of Crossvallia unienwillia (MLP 00-I-10-1) from the Thanetian of Antarctica. A, B, Distal end of left femur in cranial (A) and caudal (B) view. C, Distal end of right tibiotarsus in cranial view; the dotted line indicates the sulcus extensorius. D‒F, Proximal end of tentatively referred left humerus in caudal (D), ventral (E) and cranial (F) view. G, H, Distal end of right femur in cranial (G) and caudal (H) view. I, Distal end of right tibiotarsus in cranial view; the dotted line indicates the sulcus extensorius. J‒L, Proximal end of left humerus in caudal (J), ventral (K) and cranial (L) view; the dotted lines indicate the broken portion of the bone. Scale bar = 50 mm. [Colour online].

Fig. 3 A‒C, Holotype (CM 2018.23.9) and D‒F, tentatively referred proximal humerus (CM 2016.158.3) of ?Crossvallia waiparensis, sp. nov. from the Waipara Greensand in New Zealand, in comparison with G‒L, the holotype of Crossvallia unienwillia (MLP 00-I-10-1) from the Thanetian of Antarctica. A, B, Distal end of left femur in cranial (A) and caudal (B) view. C, Distal end of right tibiotarsus in cranial view; the dotted line indicates the sulcus extensorius. D‒F, Proximal end of tentatively referred left humerus in caudal (D), ventral (E) and cranial (F) view. G, H, Distal end of right femur in cranial (G) and caudal (H) view. I, Distal end of right tibiotarsus in cranial view; the dotted line indicates the sulcus extensorius. J‒L, Proximal end of left humerus in caudal (J), ventral (K) and cranial (L) view; the dotted lines indicate the broken portion of the bone. Scale bar = 50 mm. [Colour online].

C. waiparensis is the fifth ancient penguin species described from fossils uncovered at the Waipara Greensand site.Dr Gerald Mayr says the Waipara Greensand is arguably the world’s most significant site for penguin fossils from the Paleocene Epoch. “The fossils discovered there have made our understanding of penguin evolution a whole lot clearer,” he says. “There’s more to come, too — more fossils which we think represent new species are still awaiting description.”

Dr Vanesa De Pietri, Canterbury Museum Research Curator Natural History, says discovering a second giant penguin from the Paleocene Epoch is further evidence that early penguins were huge. “It further reinforces our theory that penguins attained a giant size very early in their evolution,” she says.

The fossils of several giant species, including C. waiparensis, will be displayed in a new exhibition about prehistoric New Zealand at Canterbury Museum later this year.

This research was partly supported by the Royal Society of New Zealand’s Marsden Fund

  1. Gerald Mayr, Vanesa L. De Pietri, Leigh Love, Al Mannering, R. Paul Scofield. Leg bones of a new penguin species from the Waipara Greensand add to the diversity of very large-sized Sphenisciformes in the Paleocene of New ZealandAlcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 2019; 1 DOI: 10.1080/03115518.2019.1641619

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev