WFS News: An unexpected noncarpellate epigynous flower from the Jurassic of China

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Idealized reconstruction of Nanjinganthus. 1, branches of dendroid style; 2, dendroid style; 3, sepal; 4, ovarian roof; 5, scale; 6, seed; 7, cup-form receptacle/ovary; 8, bract; 9, petal; 10, unknown organ (staminode?).

Idealized reconstruction of Nanjinganthus.
1, branches of dendroid style; 2, dendroid style; 3, sepal; 4, ovarian roof; 5, scale; 6, seed; 7, cup-form receptacle/ovary; 8, bract; 9, petal; 10, unknown organ (staminode?).

Despite the importance of, the great interest in and intensive effort spent on investigating angiosperms, a controversy remains as to when and how this group came into existence. Since the time of Darwin, some scholars have proposed that angiosperms existed before the Cretaceous (Smith et al., 2010Clarke et al., 2011Zeng et al., 2014Buggs, 2017), although the conclusion ‘there are no reliable records of angiosperms from pre-Cretaceous rocks’ made almost 60 years (Scott et al., 1960) seemed to be recently re-confirmed (Herendeen et al., 2017). Such uncertainty makes answers to many questions about the phylogeny and systematics of angiosperms tentative. Some reports of early angiosperms (i.e., Monetianthus (Friis et al., 2001)) are based on a single specimen, which restricts further testing and confirming. Better and more specimens of early age and with features unique to angiosperms are highly sought-after to test related evolutionary hypotheses. Here, we report an unusual actinomorphic flower, Nanjinganthus gen. nov., from the Lower Jurassic based on the observations of 264 specimens of 198 individual flowers on 34 slabs preserved in various orientations and states (Supplementary file 1). The abundance of specimens allowed us to dissect some of them, thus demonstrate and recognize a cup-form receptacle, ovarian roof, and enclosed ovules/seeds in Nanjinganthus. These features are consistent with the inference that Nanjinganthus is an angiosperm. The origin of angiosperms has long been an academic ‘headache’ for many botanists, and we think that Nanjinganthus will shed a new light on this subject.

Siltstone slabs bearing Nanjinganthus. All bars are 1 cm long. (A) Six flowers (1-6) on the same slab, and an associated triangular leaflet with parallel venation. PB22227. (B) Several flowers on the same slab. 1–3 are shown in detail in Figures 2f and 6d,e. PB22226. (C) Several flowers (1-8) on the same slab and the associated Nilssonia parabrevis (top). PB22220. (D) Several flowers (1-6) on the same slab. 1–3 are shown in detail in Figures 2h and 3a–c. PB22224. (E) Many flowers on the same slab. Some of the numbered ones are shown in detail in later figures. PB22222a. (F) A slab with numerous flowers. PB22221. (G) A slab almost fully covered with flowers. PB22228.

Siltstone slabs bearing Nanjinganthus. All bars are 1 cm long. (A) Six flowers (1-6) on the same slab, and an associated triangular leaflet with parallel venation. PB22227. (B) Several flowers on the same slab. 1–3 are shown in detail in Figures 2f and 6d,e. PB22226. (C) Several flowers (1-8) on the same slab and the associated Nilssonia parabrevis (top). PB22220. (D) Several flowers (1-6) on the same slab. 1–3 are shown in detail in Figures 2h and 3a–c. PB22224. (E) Many flowers on the same slab. Some of the numbered ones are shown in detail in later figures. PB22222a. (F) A slab with numerous flowers. PB22221. (G) A slab almost fully covered with flowers. PB22228.

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: Trilobite ancestral range in the southern hemisphere reconstructed

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

The first appearance of trilobites in the fossil record dates to 521 million years ago in the oceans of the Cambrian Period, when the continents were still inhospitable to most life forms. Few groups of animals adapted as successfully as trilobites, which were arthropods that lived on the seabed for 270 million years until the mass extinction at the end of the Permian approximately 252 million years ago.

The longer ago organisms lived, the more rare are their fossils and the harder it is to understand their way of life; paleontologists face a daunting task in endeavoring to establish evolutionary relationships in time and space.

Surmounting the difficulties inherent in the investigation of a group of animals that lived such a long time ago, Brazilian scientists affiliated with the Biology Department of São Paulo State University’s Bauru School of Sciences (FC-UNESP) and the Paleontology Laboratory of the University of São Paulo’s Ribeirão Preto School of Philosophy, Science and Letters (FFCLRP-USP) have succeeded for the first time in inferring paleobiogeographic patterns among trilobites.

Schematic drawing showing the major exoskeleton elements of the dorsal surface of Metacryphaeus.

Schematic drawing showing the major exoskeleton elements of the dorsal surface of Metacryphaeus.

Paleobiogeography is a branch of paleontology that focuses on the distribution of extinct plants and animals and their relations with ancient geographic features. The study was conducted by Fábio Augusto Carbonaro, a postdoctoral researcher at UNESP’s Bauru Macroinvertebrate Paleontology Laboratory (LAPALMA) headed by Professor Renato Pirani Ghilardi. Other participants included Max Cardoso Langer, a professor at FFCLRP-USP, and Silvio Shigueo Nihei, a professor at the same university’s Bioscience Institute (IB-USP).

The researchers analyzed the morphological differences and similarities of the 11 species of trilobites described so far in the genus Metacryphaeus; these trilobites lived during the Devonian between 416 million and 359 million years ago (mya) in the cold waters of the sea that covered what is now Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, the Malvinas (Falklands) and South Africa.

The Devonian Period is subdivided into seven stages. Metacryphaeus lived during the Lochkovian (419.2-410.8 mya) and Pragian (410.8- 407.6 mya) stages, which are the earliest Devonian stages.

The results of the research were published in Scientific Reportsand are part of the project “Paleobiogeography and migratory routes of paleoinvertebrates of the Devonian in Brazil,” which is supported by São Paulo Research Foundation -FAPESP and Brazil’s National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Ghilardi is the project’s principal investigator.

“When they became extinct in the Permian, 252 million years ago, the trilobites left no descendants. Their closest living relatives are shrimps, and, more remotely, spiders, scorpions, sea spiders and mites,” Ghilardi said.

Trilobite fossils are found abundantly all over the world, he explained — so abundantly that they are sometimes referred to as the cockroaches of the sea. The comparison is not unwarranted because anatomically, the trilobites resemble cockroaches. The difference is that they were not insects and had three longitudinal body segments or lobes (hence the name).

In the northern hemisphere, the trilobite fossil record is very rich. Paleontologists have so far described ten orders comprising over 17,000 species. The smallest were 1.5 millimeters long, while the largest were approximately 70 cm long and 40 cm wide. Perfectly preserved trilobites can be found in some regions, such as Morocco. These can be beautiful when used to create cameos or intaglio jewelry. Trilobite fossils from Brazil, Peru and Bolivia, in contrast, are often poorly preserved, consisting merely of the impressions left in benthic mud by their exoskeletons.

“Although their state of preservation is far from ideal, there are thousands of trilobite fossils in the sediments that form the Paraná basin in the South region of Brazil, and the Parnaíba basin along the North-Northeast divide,” said Ghilardi, who also chairs the Brazilian Paleontology Society.

According to Ghilardi, their poor state of preservation could be due to the geological conditions and climate prevailing in these regions during the Paleozoic Era, when the portions of dry land that would one day form South America were at the South Pole and entirely covered by ice for prolonged periods.

During the Devonian, South America and Africa were connected as part of the supercontinent Gondwana. South Africa was joined with Uruguay and Argentina in the River Plate region, and Brazil’s southern states were continuous with Namibia and Angola.

Parsimonious analysis

The research began with an analysis of 48 characteristics (size, shape and structure of organs and anatomical parts) found in some 50 fossil specimens of the 11 species of Metacryphaeus.

“In principle, these characteristics serve to establish their phylogeny — the evolutionary history of all species in the universe, analyzed in terms of lines of descent and relationships among broader groups,” Ghilardi said.

Known as a parsimonious analysis, this method is widely used to establish relationships among organisms in a given ecosystem, and in recent years, it has also begun to be used in the study of fossils.

According to Ghilardi, parsimony, in general, is the principle that the simplest explanation of the data is the preferred explanation. In the analysis of phylogeny, it means that the hypothesis regarding relationships that requires the smallest number of characteristic changes between the species analyzed (in this case, trilobites of the genus Metacryphaeus) is the one that is most likely to be correct.

The biogeographic contribution to the study was made by Professor Nihei, who works at IB-USP as a taxonomist and insect systematist. The field of systematics is concerned with evolutionary changes between ancestries, while taxonomy focuses on classifying and naming organisms.

“Biogeographic analysis typically involves living groups the ages of which are estimated by molecular phylogeny, or the so-called molecular clock, which estimates when two species probably diverged on the basis of the number of molecular differences in their DNA. In this study of trilobites, we used age in a similar manner, but it was obtained from the fossil record,” Nihei said.

“The main point of the study was to use fossils in a method that normally involves molecular biogeography. Very few studies of this type have previously involved fossils. I believe our study paves the way for a new approach based on biogeographic methods requiring a chronogram [a molecularly dated cladogram] because this chronogram can also be obtained from fossil taxa such as those studied by paleontologists, rather than molecular cladograms for living animals.”

As a vertebrate paleontologist who specializes in dinosaurs, Langer acknowledged that he knows little about trilobites but a great deal about the modern computational techniques used in parsimonious analysis, on which his participation in the study was based. “I believe the key aspect of this study, and the reason it was accepted for publication in as important a journal as Scientific Reports, is that it’s the first ever use of parsimony to understand the phylogeny of a trilobite genus in the southern hemisphere,” he said.

Gondwanan dispersal

The results of the paleobiogeographical analyses reinforce the pre-existing theory that Bolivia and Peru formed the ancestral home of Metacryphaeus.

“The models estimate a 100% probability that Bolivia and Peru formed the ancestral area of the Metacryphaeus clade and most of its internal clades,” Ghilardi said. Confirmation of the theory shows that parsimonious models have the power to suggest the presence of clades at a specific moment in the past even when there are no known physical records of that presence.

In the case of Metacryphaeus, the oldest records in Bolivia and Peru date from the early Pragian stage (410.8-407.6 mya), but the genus is believed to have evolved in the region during the Lochkovian stage (419.2-410.8 mya).

Parsimony, therefore, suggests Metacryphaeus originated in Bolivia and Peru some time before 410.8 mya but not earlier than 419.2 mya. In any event, it is believed to be far older than any known fossils.

According to Ghilardi, the results can be interpreted as showing that the adaptive radiation of Metacryphaeus to other areas of western Gondwana occurred during episodes of marine transgression in the Lochkovian-Pragian, when the sea flooded parts of Gondwana.

“The dispersal of Metacryphaeus trilobites during the Lochkovian occurred from Bolivia and Peru to Brazil — to the Paraná basin, now in the South region, and the Parnaíba basin, on the North-Northeast divide — and on toward the Malvinas/Falklands, while the Pragian dispersal occurred toward South Africa,” he said.

Fossil trilobites have been found continuously in the Paraná basin in recent decades. Trilobites collected in the late nineteenth century in the Parnaíba basin were held by Brazil’s National Museum in Rio de Janeiro, which was destroyed by fire in September 2018.

“These fossils haven’t yet been found under the rubble and it’s likely that nothing is left of them. They were mere shell impressions left in the ancient seabed. Even in petrified form, they must have dissolved in the blaze,” Ghilardi said.

Journal Reference:

  1. Fábio Augusto Carbonaro, Max Cardoso Langer, Silvio Shigueo Nihei, Gabriel de Souza Ferreira, Renato Pirani Ghilardi. Inferring ancestral range reconstruction based on trilobite records: a study-case on Metacryphaeus (Phacopida, Calmoniidae)Scientific Reports, 2018; 8 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-33517-5

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News:The mysteries of a giant prehistoric marine reptile unlocked with the help of Medical scanner

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Descriptive anatomy of the largest known specimen of Protoichthyosaurus prostaxalis (Reptilia: Ichthyosauria) including computed tomography and digital reconstruction of a three-dimensional skull

Three-dimensional skull of BMT 1955.G35.1, Protoichthyosaurus prostaxalis. (A) Original photograph of the first skull reconstruction (left lateral view) within a couple of years of the 1955 excavation. Note that the prefrontal and postorbital are present, which we have been unable to locate in our study. (B) Skull in left lateral view, as reconstructed in 2015. (C) Skull in right lateral view, as reconstructed in 2015. Note the distinctive asymmetric maxilla with long, narrow anterior process. Teeth are not in their original positions. Scale bar represents 20 cm.

Three-dimensional skull of BMT 1955.G35.1, Protoichthyosaurus prostaxalis.
(A) Original photograph of the first skull reconstruction (left lateral view) within a couple of years of the 1955 excavation. Note that the prefrontal and postorbital are present, which we have been unable to locate in our study. (B) Skull in left lateral view, as reconstructed in 2015. (C) Skull in right lateral view, as reconstructed in 2015. Note the distinctive asymmetric maxilla with long, narrow anterior process. Teeth are not in their original positions. Scale bar represents 20 cm.

Surface models (generated from CT scan data) of the skull of BMT 1955.G35.1, Protoichthyosaurus prostaxalis. After the removal of minor damage and duplication/mirroring of asymmetrically preserved elements, and digital articulation of individual bones to produce a more accurate digital 3D reconstruction. Displacement of the lower jaw and premaxillae and nasals are the result of deformation (see text). Left lateral (A) dorsal (B) ventral (C) anterior (D) and posterior (E) views of the upper and lower jaws. Individual bones labelled using the same colours as Figs. 2–4.

Surface models (generated from CT scan data) of the skull of BMT 1955.G35.1, Protoichthyosaurus prostaxalis.
After the removal of minor damage and duplication/mirroring of asymmetrically preserved elements, and digital articulation of individual bones to produce a more accurate digital 3D reconstruction. Displacement of the lower jaw and premaxillae and nasals are the result of deformation (see text). Left lateral (A) dorsal (B) ventral (C) anterior (D) and posterior (E) views of the upper and lower jaws. Individual bones labelled using the same colours as Figs. 2–4.

Citation:Lomax DR, Porro LB, Larkin NR. 2019Descriptive anatomy of the largest known specimen of Protoichthyosaurus prostaxalis (Reptilia: Ichthyosauria) including computed tomography and digital reconstruction of a three-dimensional skullPeerJ 7:e6112

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: Introduction to dating glacial sediments

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Many methods of dating glacial sediments

Glacial Sediments

                                                                        Glacial Sediments

As glacial geologists, some of the biggest questions that we’d like to answer are not only how large former ice sheets were, but also how fast did the recede and how quickly did they thin? This information is vital for numerical models, and answers questions about how dynamic ice sheets are, and how responsive they are to changes in atmospheric and oceanic temperatures.

Unfortunately, glacial sediments are typically difficult to date. Most methods rely on indirect methods of dating subglacial tills, such as dating organic remains above and below glacial sediments. Many methods are only useful for a limited period of time (for radiocarbon, for example, 40,000 years is the maximum age possible). Scientists dating Quaternary glacial sediments in Antarctica most commonly use one of the methods outlined below, depending on what kind of material they want to date and how old it is.

Cosmogenic nuclide dating is useful for directly dating rocks on the Earth’s surface. It gives an Exposure Age: that is, how long the rock has been exposed to cosmic radiation. It is effective on timescales of several millions of years. It assumes that boulders have not been buried and then re-exposed at the Earth’s surface.

Radiocarbon dating dates the decay of Carbon-14 within organic matter. Organic matter needs to have been buried and preserved for this technique. It is effective for up to the last 40,000 years. It assumes that organic material is not contaminated with older radiocarbon (which, for example, is a common problem with organic material from marine sediment cores around Antarctica).

Amino Acid Racemisation dates the decay and change in proteins in organisms such as shells.

Optically Stimulated Luminescence dates the radiation accumulated in quartz or feldspar grains within sand. The radiation emanates from radioactive grains within the sediment, such as zircons. It is effective for hundreds of thousands of years, and dates how long the sediment has been buried.

Other methods of dating glacial sediments

There are so many other methods of dating Quaternary sediments and organic material that it is impractical to cover them all here in detail. Uranium-series uses the decay of uranium and thorium isotopes (238U, 235U and 232Th) in calcites in particular, such as stalactites and stalagmites in caves. Potassium-argon and argon-argon dating can be used to date the formation of volcanic rocks.

Older marine sediments can be dated using palaeo-magnetism. This is because the earth’s magnetic field varies in strength and polarity direction. This is caused by a number of factors, including variations in solar radiation, magnetic storms, and internal geophysical factors. Unconsolidated sediments contain magnetic minerals, such as those on the continental shelf and slope. These minerals are magnetised during formation. The remnant magnetism of the sediment is a reflection of the earth’s palaeomagnetic field at the time of deposition. The sediments can be compared to palaeo magnetostratigraphic data, and this can be used as a proxy age determination.

Source: Article By 

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: Tooth Loss Precedes the Origin of Baleen in Whales

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Rivaling the evolution of feathers in dinosaurs, one of the most extraordinary transformations in the history of life was the evolution of baleen — rows of flexible hair-like plates that blue whales, humpbacks and other marine mammals use to filter relatively tiny prey from gulps of ocean water. The unusual structure enables the world’s largest creatures to consume several tons of food each day, without ever chewing or biting. Now, Smithsonian scientists have discovered an important intermediary link in the evolution of this innovative feeding strategy: an ancient whale that had neither teeth nor baleen.

(A–G) Dorsal (A) and ventral (B) views of the holotype skull; lateral (C) view of the right mandible; dorsal (D), lateral (E), medial (F), and ventral (G) views of left tympanic bulla.

(A–G) Dorsal (A) and ventral (B) views of the holotype skull; lateral (C) view of the right mandible; dorsal (D), lateral (E), medial (F), and ventral (G) views of left tympanic bulla.

In the Nov. 29 issue of the journal Current Biology, scientists at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History and colleagues describe for the first time Maiabalaena nesbittae, a whale that lived about 33 million years ago. Using new methods to analyze long-ago discovered fossils housed in the Smithsonian’s national collection, the team, which includes scientists at George Mason University, Texas A&M University and the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture in Seattle, have determined that this toothless, 15-foot whale likely had no baleen, showing a surprising intermediary step between the baleen whales that live today and their toothed ancestors.

Figure illustrates a composite phylogeny including results from this analysis (Figure S4) and recently published analyses [5, 7, 8]. (A) Time calibrated simplified phylogeny, with collapsed clade resolution for Mammalodontidae, Aetiocetidae and Eomysticetidae, and crown Mysticeti. (B–E) Colored bars indicate groups figured; gray bars indicate groups not figured. Panels (b–e) represent 3D models of select specimens in lateral view with artistic reconstructions of their feeding modes: (B) Basilosaurus isis; (C) Coronodon havensteini; (D) Maiabalaena nesbittae; and (E) Balaenoptera musculus. These panels illustrate the loss of a functional dentition, the intermediate phase with neither teeth nor baleen, and the subsequent origin of baleen. Illustrations are original artwork by Alex Boersma (

Figure illustrates a composite phylogeny including results from this analysis (Figure S4) and recently published analyses [5, 7, 8].
(A) Time calibrated simplified phylogeny, with collapsed clade resolution for Mammalodontidae, Aetiocetidae and Eomysticetidae, and crown Mysticeti.
(B–E) Colored bars indicate groups figured; gray bars indicate groups not figured. Panels (b–e) represent 3D models of select specimens in lateral view with artistic reconstructions of their feeding modes: (B) Basilosaurus isis; (C) Coronodon havensteini; (D) Maiabalaena nesbittae; and (E) Balaenoptera musculus. These panels illustrate the loss of a functional dentition, the intermediate phase with neither teeth nor baleen, and the subsequent origin of baleen. Illustrations are original artwork by Alex Boersma (

“When we talk about whale evolution, textbooks tend to focus on the early stages, when whales went from land to sea,” said National Museum of Natural History’s curator of fossil marine mammals. “Maiabalaena shows that the second phase of whale evolution is just as important for evolution over big scales. For the first time, we can now pin down the origin of filter-feeding, which is one of the major innovations in whale history.”When whales first evolved, they used teeth to chew their food, just like their land-dwelling ancestors. As time went on, many descendants of these early whales continued to chew their food, inheriting this trait from their predecessors. But as the oceans around them changed and animals evolved, entirely new feeding strategies arose, including baleen filter feeding, says National Museum of Natural History predoctoral fellow Carlos Mauricio Peredo, the lead author of the study who analyzed the Maiabalaena fossils.

Whales were the first mammals to evolve baleen, and no other mammal uses any anatomical structure even remotely similar to it to consume its prey. But frustratingly, baleen, whose chemical composition is more like that of hair or fingernails than bone, does not preserve well. It is rarely found in the fossil record, leaving paleontologists without direct evidence of its past or origins. Instead, scientists have had to rely on inferences from fossils and studies of fetal-whale development in the womb to piece together clues about how baleen evolved.

As a result, it has not been clear whether, as they evolved, early baleen whales retained the teeth of their ancestors until a filter-feeding system had been established. An early initial assumption, Peredo said, was that ocean-dwelling mammals must have needed teeth or baleen to eat — but several living whales contradict that idea. Sperm whales have teeth in their bottom jaw, but none on the top, so they cannot bite or chew. Narwhals’ only teeth are their long tusks, which they do not use for feeding. And some species of beaked whales, despite being classified as toothed whales, have no teeth at all.

Because of its age, Peredo said, paleontologists suspected Maiabalaena might hold important clues about baleen’s evolution. The fossil comes from a period of massive geological change during the second major phase of whale evolution, around the time the Eocene epoch was transitioning to the Oligocene. With continents shifting and separating, ocean currents were swirling around Antarctica for the first time, cooling the waters significantly. The fossil record indicates that whales’ feeding styles diverged rapidly during this timeframe, with one group leading to today’s filter-feeding whales and the other leading to echolocating ones.

Consequently, Maiabalaena had received plenty of scrutiny since its discovery in Oregon in the 1970s, but the rock matrix and material that the fossil was collected in still obscured many of its features. It was not until Peredo finally cleaned the fossil and then examined it with state-of-the-art CT scanning technology that its most striking features became clear. Maiabalaena‘s lack of teeth was readily apparent from the preserved bone, but the CT scans, which revealed the fossil’s internal anatomy, told the scientists something new: Maiabalaena‘s upper jaw was thin and narrow, making it an inadequate surface from which to suspend baleen.

“A living baleen whale has a big, broad roof in its mouth, and it’s also thickened to create attachment sites for the baleen,” Peredo said. “Maiabalaena does not. We can pretty conclusively tell you this fossil species didn’t have teeth, and it is more likely than not that it didn’t have baleen either.”

While Maiabalaena would not have been able to chew or to filter feed, muscle attachments on the bones of its throat indicate it likely had strong cheeks and a retractable tongue. These traits would have enabled it to suck water into its mouth, taking up fish and small squid in the process. The ability to suction feed would have rendered teeth, whose development requires a lot of energy to grow, unnecessary. The loss of teeth, then, appears to have set the evolutionary stage for the baleen, which the scientists estimate arose about 5 to 7 million years later.

Peredo and Pyenson see studying whale evolution as key to understanding their survival in today’s rapidly changing oceans. Like the emergence of baleen, tooth loss in whales is evidence of adaptability, suggesting that whales might be able to adapt to challenges posed in the ocean today. Still, Peredo cautions, evolutionary change may be slow for the largest whales, which have long life spans and take a long time to reproduce.

“Given the scale and rate of changes in the ocean today, we don’t exactly know what that will mean for all of the different species of filter-feeding whales,” he said. “We know that they’ve changed in the past. It’s just a matter of whether they can keep up with whatever the oceans are doing — and we’re changing the oceans pretty quickly right now.”

  1. Carlos Mauricio Peredo, Nicholas D. Pyenson, Christopher D. Marshall, Mark D. Uhen. Tooth Loss Precedes the Origin of Baleen in WhalesCurrent Biology, 2018; DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.10.047
Source: Smithsonian. “Whales lost their teeth before evolving hair-like baleen in their mouths: Newly described fossil whale in museum collections reveals a surprising intermediate step in their evolution.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 29 November 2018. <>.
@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Seismic analysis reveals huge amount of water dragged into Earth’s interior

Slow-motion collisions of tectonic plates under the ocean drag about three times more water down into the deep Earth than previously estimated, according to a first-of-its-kind seismic study that spans the Mariana Trench.

The observations from the deepest ocean trench in the world have important implications for the global water cycle, according to researchers in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis.

“People knew that subduction zones could bring down water, but they didn’t know how much water,” said Chen Cai, who recently completed his doctoral studies at Washington University. Cai is the first author of the study published in the Nov. 15 issue of the journal Nature.

“This research shows that subduction zones move far more water into Earth’s deep interior — many miles below the surface — than previously thought,” said Candace Major, a program director in the National Science Foundation’s Division of Ocean Sciences, which funded the study. “The results highlight the important role of subduction zones in Earth’s water cycle.”

“Previous estimates vary widely in the amount of water that is subducted deeper than 60 miles,” said Doug Wiens, the Robert S. Brookings Distinguished Professor in Earth and Planetary Sciences in Arts & Sciences and Cai’s research advisor for the study. “The main source of uncertainty in these calculations was the initial water content of the subducting uppermost mantle.”

To conduct this study, researchers listened to more than one year’s worth of Earth’s rumblings — from ambient noise to actual earthquakes — using a network of 19 passive, ocean-bottom seismographs deployed across the Mariana Trench, along with seven island-based seismographs. The trench is where the western Pacific Ocean plate slides beneath the Mariana plate and sinks deep into the Earth’s mantle as the plates slowly converge.

The new seismic observations paint a more nuanced picture of the Pacific plate bending into the trench — resolving its three-dimensional structure and tracking the relative speeds of types of rock that have different capabilities for holding water.

Rock can grab and hold onto water in a variety of ways.

Ocean water atop the plate runs down into the Earth’s crust and upper mantle along the fault lines that lace the area where plates collide and bend. Then it gets trapped. Under certain temperature and pressure conditions, chemical reactions force the water into a non-liquid form as hydrous minerals — wet rocks — locking the water into the rock in the geologic plate. All the while, the plate continues to crawl ever deeper into the Earth’s mantle, bringing the water along with it.

Previous studies at subduction zones like the Mariana Trench have noted that the subducting plate could hold water. But they could not determine how much water it held and how deep it went.

“Previous conventions were based on active source studies, which can only show the top 3-4 miles into the incoming plate,” Cai said.

He was referring to a type of seismic study that uses sound waves created with the blast of an air gun from aboard an ocean research vessel to create an image of the subsurface rock structure.

“They could not be very precise about how thick it is, or how hydrated it is,” Cai said. “Our study tried to constrain that. If water can penetrate deeper into the plate, it can stay there and be brought down to deeper depths.”

The seismic images that Cai and Wiens obtained show that the area of hydrated rock at the Mariana Trench extends almost 20 miles beneath the seafloor — much deeper than previously thought.

The amount of water that can be held in this block of hydrated rock is considerable.

For the Mariana Trench region alone, four times more water subducts than previously calculated. These features can be extrapolated to predict the conditions under other ocean trenches worldwide.

“If other old, cold subducting slabs contain similarly thick layers of hydrous mantle, then estimates of the global water flux into the mantle at depths greater than 60 miles must be increased by a factor of about three,” Wiens said.

And for water in the Earth, what goes down must come up. Sea levels have remained relatively stable over geologic time, varying by less than 1,000 ft. This means that all of the water that is going down into the Earth at subduction zones must be coming back up somehow, and not continuously piling up inside the Earth.

Scientists believe that most of the water that goes down at the trench comes back from the Earth into the atmosphere as water vapor when volcanoes erupt hundreds of miles away. But with the revised estimates of water from the new study, the amount of water going into the earth seems to greatly exceed the amount of water coming out.

“The estimates of water coming back out through the volcanic arc are probably very uncertain,” said Wiens, who hopes that this study will encourage other researchers to reconsider their models for how water moves back out of the Earth. “This study will probably cause some re-evaluation.”

Moving beyond the Mariana Trench, Wiens along with a team of other scientists has recently deployed a similar seismic network offshore in Alaska to consider how water is moved down into the Earth there.

“Does the amount of water vary substantially from one subduction zone to another, based on the kind of faulting that you have when the plate bends?” Wiens asked. “There’s been suggestions of that in Alaska and in Central America. But nobody has looked at the deeper structure yet like we were able to do in the Mariana Trench.”


Massive impact crater from a kilometer-wide iron meteorite discovered in Greenland

An international team lead by researchers from the Centre for GeoGenetics at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen have discovered a 31-km wide meteorite impact crater buried beneath the ice-sheet in the northern Greenland. This is the first time that a crater of any size has been found under one of Earth’s continental ice sheets. The researchers worked for last three years to verify their discovery, initially made in the 2015. The research is described in a new study just published in the internationally recognized journal Science Advances.

Map of the bedrock topography beneath the ice sheet and the ice-free land surrounding the Hiawatha impact crater. The structure is 31 km wide, with a prominent rim surrounding the structure. In the central part of the impact structure, an area with elevated terrain is seen, which is typical for larger impact craters. Calculations shows that in order to generate an impact crater of this size, the earth was struck by a meteorite more than 1 km wide. Credit: The Natural History Museum of Denmark

Map of the bedrock topography beneath the ice sheet and the ice-free land surrounding the Hiawatha impact crater. The structure is 31 km wide, with a prominent rim surrounding the structure. In the central part of the impact structure, an area with elevated terrain is seen, which is typical for larger impact craters. Calculations shows that in order to generate an impact crater of this size, the earth was struck by a meteorite more than 1 km wide.
Credit: The Natural History Museum of Denmark

The crater measures more than 31 km in diameter, corresponding to an area bigger than Paris, and placing it among the 25 largest impact craters on Earth. The crater formed when a kilometre-wide iron meteorite smashed into northern Greenland, but has since been hidden under nearly a kilometre of ice.

“The crater is exceptionally well-preserved, and that is surprising, because glacier ice is an incredibly efficient erosive agent that would have quickly removed traces of the impact. But that means the crater must be rather young from a geological perspective. So far, it has not been possible to date the crater directly, but its condition strongly suggests that it formed after ice began to cover Greenland, so younger than 3 million years old and possibly as recently as 12,000 years ago — toward the end of the last ice age” says Professor Kurt H. Kjær from the Center for GeoGenetics at the Natural History Museum of Denmark.

Giant circular depression

The crater was first discovered in July 2015 as the researchers inspected a new map of the topography beneath Greenland’s ice-sheet. They noticed an enormous, but previously undetected circular depression under Hiawatha Glacier, sitting at the very edge of the ice sheet in northern Greenland.

“We immediately knew this was something special but at the same time it became clear that it would be difficult to confirm the origin of the depression,” says Professor Kjær.

In the courtyard at the Geological Museum in Copenhagen just outside the windows of the Center for GeoGenetics sits a 20-tonne iron meteorite found in North Greenland not far from the Hiawatha Glacier.

“It was therefore not such a leap to infer that the depression could be a previously undescribed meterorite crater, but initially we lacked the evidence,” reflects Associate Professor Nicolaj K. Larsen from Aarhus University.

The crucial evidence

Their suspicion that the giant depression was a meteorite crater was reinforced when the team sent a German research plane from the Alfred Wegener Institute to fly over the Hiawatha Glacier and map the crater and the overlying ice with a new powerful ice radar. Joseph MacGregor, a glaciologist at NASA, who participated in the study and is an expert in ice radar measurements adds:

“Previous radar measurements of Hiawatha Glacier were part of a long-term NASA effort to map Greenland’s changing ice cover. What we really needed to test our hypothesis was a dense and focused radar survey there. Our colleagues at the Alfred Wegener Institute and University of Kansas did exactly that with a next-generation radar system that exceeded all expectations and imaged the depression in stunning detail. A distinctly circular rim, central uplift, disturbed and undisturbed ice layering, and basal debris. It’s all there.”

In the summers of 2016 and 2017, the research team returned to the site to map tectonic structures in the rock near the foot of the glacier and collect samples of sediments washed out from the depression through a meltwater channel.

“Some of the quartz sand washed from the crater had planar deformation features indicative of a violent impact, and this is conclusive evidence that the depression beneath the Hiawatha Glacier is a meteorite crater, ” says Professor Larsen.

The consequences of the impact on the Earth’s climate and life

Earlier studies have shown that large impacts can profoundly affect Earth’s climate, with major consequences for life on Earth at the time. It is therefore very resonable to ask when and how and this meteorite impact at the Hiawatha Glacier affected the planet.

“The next step in the investigation will be to confidently date the impact. This will be a challenge, because it will probably require recovering material that melted during the impact from the bottom of the structure, but this is crucial if we are to understand how the Hiawatha impact affected life on Earth,” concludes Professor Kjær.


Ancient DNA reveals history of extinct Caribbean monkey

Analysis of ancient DNA of a mysterious extinct monkey named Xenothrix — which displays bizarre body characteristics very different to any living monkey — has revealed that it was in fact most closely related to South America’s titi monkeys (Callicebinae). Having made their way overwater to Jamaica, probably on floating vegetation, their bones reveal they subsequently underwent remarkable evolutionary change.

The research published today in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (12 November 2018) and carried out by a team of experts from international conservation charity ZSL (Zoological Society of London), London’s Natural History Museum (NHM), and the American Museum of Natural History in New York, also reveals that monkeys must have colonised the Caribbean islands more than once. The study reports an incredible discovery of how the unusual ecology of islands can dramatically influence animal evolution.

Xenothrix, unlike any other monkey in the world, was a slow-moving tree-dweller with relatively few teeth, and leg bones somewhat like a rodent’s. Its unusual appearance has made it difficult for scientists to work out what it was related to and how it evolved. However, the scientific team have successfully extracted the first ever ancient DNA from an extinct Caribbean primate — uncovered from bones excavated in a Jamaican cave and providing important new evolutionary insights.

Professor Samuel Turvey from ZSL, a co-author on the paper, said: “This new understanding of the evolutionary history of Xenothrix shows that evolution can take unexpected paths when animals colonise islands and are exposed to new environments. However, the extinction of Xenothrix, which evolved on an island without any native mammal predators, highlights the great vulnerability of unique island biodiversity in the face of human impacts.”

Professor Ian Barnes, whom runs the NHM’s ancient DNA lab, and co-author said: “Recovering DNA from the bones of extinct animals has become increasingly commonplace in the last few years. However, it’s still difficult with tropical specimens, where the temperature and humidity destroy DNA very quickly. I’m delighted that we’ve been able to extract DNA from these samples and resolve the complex history of the primates of the Caribbean.”

It is likely that Xenothrix‘s ancestors colonised Jamaica from South America around 11 million years ago, probably after being stranded on natural rafts of vegetation that were washed out of the mouths of large South American rivers. Many other animals, such as large rodents called hutias (Capromyidae) that still survive on some Caribbean islands today, probably colonised the region in the same way.

Ross MacPhee of the American Museum of Natural History’s Mammalogy Department, a co-author of the study, said: “Ancient DNA indicates that the Jamaican monkey is really just a titi monkey with some unusual morphological features, not a wholly distinct branch of New World monkey. Evolution can act in unexpected ways in island environments, producing miniature elephants, gigantic birds, and sloth-like primates. Such examples put a very different spin on the old cliché that ‘anatomy is destiny.'”

What Xenothrix may have looked like has been greatly debated, with suggestions that it looked like a kinkajou (Potos) or a night monkey (Aotus). Living titi monkeys are small tree-dwelling monkeys found across tropical South America, with long soft red, brown, grey or black fur. They are active during the day, extremely territorial and vocal, and live up to 12 years in the wild, with the father often caring for the young.

Though the Galapagos Islands are famous for inspiring Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, the islands of the Caribbean have also been home to some of the most unusual and mysterious species to have ever evolved. However, the Caribbean has also experienced the world’s highest rate of mammal extinction since the end of the last ice age glaciation, likely caused by hunting and habitat loss by humans, and predation by invasive mammals brought by early settlers.


Citation: Zoological Society of London. “Primates of the Caribbean: Ancient DNA reveals history of mystery monkey: Weird evolution revealed in now-extinct monkey which inhabited Jamaica until a few hundred years ago.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 12 November 2018. <>.

Demise of Indus Valley civilization could have been a result of climate change.

More than 4,000 years ago, the Harappa culture thrived in the Indus River Valley of what is now modern Pakistan and northwestern India, where they built sophisticated cities, invented sewage systems that predated ancient Rome’s, and engaged in long-distance trade with settlements in Mesopotamia. Yet by 1800 BCE, this advanced culture had abandoned their cities, moving instead to smaller villages in the Himalayan foothills. A new study from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) found evidence that climate change likely drove the Harappans to resettle far away from the floodplains of the Indus.

Beginning in roughly 2500 BCE, a shift in temperatures and weather patterns over the Indus valley caused summer monsoon rains to gradually dry up, making agriculture difficult or impossible near Harappan cities, says Liviu Giosan, a geologist at WHOI and lead author on the paper that published Nov. 13, 2018, in the journal Climate of the Past.

“Although fickle summer monsoons made agriculture difficult along the Indus, up in the foothills, moisture and rain would come more regularly,” Giosan says. “As winter storms from the Mediterranean hit the Himalayas, they created rain on the Pakistan side, and fed little streams there. Compared to the floods from monsoons that the Harappans were used to seeing in the Indus, it would have been relatively little water, but at least it would have been reliable.”

Evidence for this shift in seasonal rainfall — and the Harapans’ switch from relying on Indus floods to rains near the Himalaya in order to water crops — is difficult to find in soil samples. That’s why Giosan and his team focused on sediments from the ocean floor off Pakistan’s coast. After taking core samples at several sites in the Arabian Sea, he and his group examined the shells of single-celled plankton called foraminifera (or “forams”) that they found in the sediments, helping them understand which ones thrived in the summer, and which in winter.

Once he and the team identified the season based on the forams’ fossil remains, they were able to then focus on deeper clues to the region’s climate: paleo-DNA, fragments of ancient genetic material preserved in the sediments.

“The seafloor near the mouth of the Indus is a very low-oxygen environment, so whatever grows and dies in the water is very well preserved in the sediment,” says Giosan. “You can basically get fragments of DNA of nearly anything that’s lived there.”

During winter monsoons, he notes, strong winds bring nutrients from the deeper ocean to the surface, feeding a surge in plant and animal life. Likewise, weaker winds other times of year provide fewer nutrients, causing slightly less productivity in the waters offshore.

“The value of this approach is that it gives you a picture of the past biodiversity that you’d miss by relying on skeletal remains or a fossil record. And because we can sequence billions of DNA molecules in parallel, it gives a very high-resolution picture of how the ecosystem changed over time,” adds William Orsi, paleontologist and geobiologist at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, who collaborated with Giosan on the work.

Sure enough, based on evidence from the DNA, the pair found that winter monsoons seemed to become stronger — and summer monsoons weaker — towards the later years of the Harappan civilization, corresponding with the move from cities to villages.

“We don’t know whether Harappan caravans moved toward the foothills in a matter of months or this massive migration took place over centuries. What we do know is that when it concluded, their urban way of life ended,” Giosan says.

The rains in the foothills seem to have been enough to hold the rural Harapans over for the next millennium, but even those would eventually dry up, likely contributing to their ultimate demise.

“We can’t say that they disappeared entirely due to climate — at the same time, the Indo-Aryan culture was arriving in the region with Iron Age tools and horses and carts. But it’s very likely that the winter monsoon played a role,” Giosan says.

The big surprise of the research, Giosan notes, is how far-flung the roots of that climate change may have been. At the time, a “new ice age” was settling in, forcing colder air down from the Arctic into the Atlantic and northern Europe. That in turn pushed storms down into the Mediterranean, leading to an upswing in winter monsoons over the Indus valley.

“It’s remarkable, and there’s a powerful lesson for today,” he notes. “If you look at Syria and Africa, the migration out of those areas has some roots in climate change. This is just the beginning — sea level rise due to climate change can lead to huge migrations from low lying regions like Bangladesh, or from hurricane-prone regions in the southern U.S. Back then, the Harappans could cope with change by moving, but today, you’ll run into all sorts of borders. Political and social convulsions can then follow.”

Also collaborating on the study was Ann G. Dunlea, Samuel E. Munoz, Jeffrey. P. Donnelly, and Valier Galy of WHOI; William D. Orsi of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität MuÌ?nchen; Marco Coolen and Cornelia Wuchter of Curtin University in Australia; Kaustubh Thirumalai of Brown University; Peter D. Clift of Louisiana State University; and Dorian Q. Fuller of University College, London.

The work was supported by the National Science Foundation’s Division of Ocean Sciences and internal WHOI funds.

Citation: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. “Climate change likely caused migration, demise of ancient Indus Valley civilization.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 14 November 2018. <>.

evolution of animal ecosystem on islands

Islands have been vital laboratories for advancing evolutionary theory since the pioneering work of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in the 19th century.

Now, a new paper appearing in PLOS ONE from an international team of investigators describes two new fossil relatives of marsupials that shed light on how a unique island ecosystem evolved some 43 million years ago during the Eocene.

A reconstruction of the Eocene of Turkey, where the small marsupial was found. Besides the marsupials, the fauna includes embrithopods (the rhino-like animals of the background, more related to elephants and sea cows), pleuraspidotheriids (primitive ungulates with a deer/dog look), a group of primates called omomyids, bats, tortoises and crocodiles. Credit: Oscar Sanisidro | University of Kansas

A reconstruction of the Eocene of Turkey, where the small marsupial was found. Besides the marsupials, the fauna includes embrithopods (the rhino-like animals of the background, more related to elephants and sea cows), pleuraspidotheriids (primitive ungulates with a deer/dog look), a group of primates called omomyids, bats, tortoises and crocodiles.
Credit: Oscar Sanisidro | University of Kansas

“Evolution in many ways is easier to study in an island context than on a large continent like North America because it’s a simpler ecosystem,” said coauthor K. Christopher Beard, Distinguished Foundation Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Kansas and senior curator with KU’s Biodiversity Institute and Natural History Museum. “Evolutionary biologists have been focusing on islands ever since Darwin and Wallace independently formulated their ideas about evolution based on their observations of plants and animals living on the Galapagos and the Malay archipelago, which is modern Indonesia.”

However, Beard said a poor fossil record for animals living on islands through “deep time,” or across a multimillion-year time frame, has hampered our understanding of exactly how island ecosystems are assembled. The new paper describes two new fossil species, identified from their teeth, that inhabited the Pontide region of modern-day north-central Turkey.

During the Eocene the Pontide region was an island in a larger version of the modern Mediterranean Sea called Tethys. At that time, Africa and Eurasia were not connected as they are today in the Middle East, but Africa was drifting northward due to plate tectonics and would eventually collide with Eurasia millions of years later. The Pontide region was sandwiched between these converging continents. This geological setting makes the Pontide region similar to the island of Sulawesi in the Indonesian archipelago, which is similarly sandwiched between the converging continents of Asia and Australia.

“No other ecosystem on the face of the planet from any time period matches what we’re finding in the Eocene of Turkey — it’s a completely unique mammalian ecosystem much like Madagascar is today,” he said. “But how did this island biota develop over time? You need fossils and time depth to see that. We’re able here to study in great detail how this ancient island evolved — where the different animals came from, how they got there and when they got there. Once they got there, some of these mammals, including one of the new marsupial lineages we’ve discovered, were able to diversify on the island. Most of the Eocene mammals on the Pontide island seem to have gotten there by swimming or rafting across parts of the Tethys Sea, instead of getting stranded on the island when it got separated from adjacent parts of Eurasia.”

Beard’s collaborators in the research were Grégoire Métais of the Museum national d’Histoire naturelle in Paris, John R. Kappelman of the University of Texas, Alexis Licht of the University of Washington, Faruk Ocakog?lu of Eskis?ehir Osmangazi University in Turkey, and KU’s Pauline M.C. Coster and Michael H. Taylor.

In the Pontide marsupial fossils — which have no living descendants — the team found evidence that distinctive forms of life that develop on islands are ill-fated in general, given enough time.

“One thing we know for sure is that the incredibly interesting and unique Eocene biota that occurred on this island in what is now Turkey at some point was totally eradicated,” Beard said. “It was eradicated when the island was reconnected to mainland Eurasia and more cosmopolitan animals were able to access it for the first time, driving the weird island biota to extinction. The message for conservation biology today is that island ecosystems are inherently ephemeral on the grand scale of macroevolutionary time. Today, conservation biologists are concerned about many endangered taxa on islands. The ugly truth that paleontology provides is that, given enough time, most island faunas are doomed to extinction. They’re cul-de-sacs of evolution — even though they’re wonderful places to study processes of evolution.”

Beard said the two newly described fossil marsupials — Galatiadelphys minor and Orhaniyeia nauta — lived near the top of the food chain on the Pontide of the Eocene, because mammalian carnivores were unable to reach the small island.

“One of weirdest things about the island fauna from the Pontides is that there are no true mammalian carnivores,” he stated. “There was nothing related to cats, dogs, bears or weasels — no modern mammalian predators. They couldn’t get to the Pontide terrain because it was a little island. So, these marsupials ecologically are taking their place at the top of the food chain.”

According to the KU researcher, the newly discovered fossils demonstrate geological context has a huge influence on how ecosystems are assembled on any given island.

“Current ideas about island evolution are based on some fairly simplistic, yet fairly effective, models,” Beard stated. “These models propose that organisms colonize islands based on two main factors — how big is the island and how far away is it from nearby continental landmasses? A bigger island makes a bigger target and hosts a greater diversity of habitats, making it easier for organisms to colonize the island and once they get there they have a better chance of surviving and maybe even diversifying.”

Based on his team’s findings from the Pontide region, Beard said that geological context was at least as important as an island’s size or distance from colonizing animals’ source territory.

“All men may have been created equal, but all islands were not. The geological context of the island — here it’s in a region of active tectonic convergence — we think is swamping these other factors, size and distance to mainland,” he said. “The oddest thing about the Pontide mammal fauna is that it contains a unique mixture of animals coming from Europe, Africa and Asia. Even our two new marsupials show different evolutionary roots in the north and the south. This makes sense because the Pontide island was being sandwiched between Eurasia and Africa, and animals were arriving there from multiple directions. We can make an interesting analogy with the modern island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, which like the Pontide terrain has a mixed fauna. It mainly hosts animals like tarsiers, pigs and shrews that are clearly related to Asian species, but you also have on Sulawesi species that are obviously related to mammals from New Guinea. If you look at plate tectonics today, Sulawesi is getting sandwiched between Australia and Asia in much the same way the Pontide was being sandwiched between Africa and Asia in the Eocene.”

Beard recently returned from Turkey where he and his team conducted more fieldwork. This research was funded by multiple sources including a major grant from the US National Science Foundation.

Citation: University of Kansas. “Deep-time evolution of animal life on islands.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 14 November 2018. <>.