WFS News: Paleontologists found a 500 Million Years Old fossils showcasing this three-eyed predator.

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Royal Ontario Museum/Illustration by Sabrina Cappelli (Image credit: Illustration by Sabrina Cappelli/© Royal Ontario Museum)

Royal Ontario Museum/Illustration by Sabrina Cappelli (Image credit: Illustration by Sabrina Cappelli/© Royal Ontario Museum)

What had spiny claws protruding from its mouth, sported a body shaped like a toilet brush and looked as though it slithered off the cover of a sci-fi novel? An ocean predator from the Cambrian period known as Stanleycaris hirpex. Newfound fossils of the bizarre creature are exceptionally complete, preserving the brain, the nervous system and a third eye.

Researchers at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) in Toronto recently announced the discovery of fossils belonging to that strange animal as part of an “astonishing” treasure trove of fossils dating to 506 million years ago, according to a statement(opens in new tab).

Paleontologists found these ancient treasures in the Burgess Shale, a formation in British Columbia’s Canadian Rockies that is known for its abundant and well-preserved fossilized animal remains, and among the half-a-billion-year-old fossils were numerous specimens of the marine predator S. hirpex.

“What makes this find so remarkable is that we have dozens of specimens showing the remains of the brain and other elements of the nervous system, and they’re incredibly well preserved and show really fine details,” said Joseph Moysiuk, lead author of a study describing the fossils and a University of Toronto doctoral candidate in ecology and evolutionary biology.

“Before this, there had only been a few other finds of fossilized brains, particularly from the Cambrian period, but this is still something that is quite rare, and it’s only something that’s been observed in the last 10 years or so,” Moysiuk told Live Science. “Most of the species where we’ve seen fossilized brains, there are only one or two specimens available.”

Despite being small — measuring less than 8 inches (20 centimeters) in length — S. hirpex was likely an imposing sight to its even smaller prey.

“It had this really ferocious apparatus of spiny claws and round mouth that made it look absolutely fierce,” Moysiuk said. “It also had long, rake-like spines to comb the seafloor to hunt for any buried organisms, side flaps to help it glide through the water and trident-shaped spines that project toward each other from the opposite appendage that we think it used as a jaw to crush its prey.”

A pair of fossil specimens of Stanleycaris hirpex, specimen ROMIP 65674.1-2. (Image credit: Royal Ontario Museum/Photo by Jean-Bernard Caron)

A pair of fossil specimens of Stanleycaris hirpex, specimen ROMIP 65674.1-2. (Image credit: Royal Ontario Museum/Photo by Jean-Bernard Caron)

The fossils show that the brain of S. hirpex was divided into two segments: the protocerebrum, which connected to its eyes, and the deutocerebrum, which linked to the frontal claws. This brain structure differs from the three-lobe structure of modern arthropods that are distant relatives of S. hirpex, such as insectsThe brains of these modern relatives, in contrast, comprise a protocerebrum, a deutocerebrum and a tritocerebrum, which connects the brain to an insect’s labrum, or upper lip, among other body parts.

“The preservation of the brains in these animals give us direct insight into the evolution of the nervous system from the perspective of the fossil record,” Moysiuk said.

Radiodonta, an extinct offshoot of the arthropod evolutionary tree that includes Stanleycaris, “is an important group to know, since it offers us a better understanding of the evolution of modern arthropods.” Moysiuk said.

Another interesting aspect of S. hirpex was its oversize median third eye, a characteristic observed for the first time in a radiodont. While the study authors are uncertain about how the ancient arthropod used this eye, it may have helped the animal track its prey, Moysiuk suggested.

“Finding the third eye was quite a shock to us because we were starting to think we understood radiodonts and what they looked like pretty well,” he said. “For the first time, we were able to recognize this gigantic median eye in addition to the pair of stock eyes that we already knew about in radiodonts.”

Though some modern arthropods, like dragonflies and wasps, also have median eyes, they are usually more sensitive than the other two eyes and yet don’t focus as well. “We can only speculate, but we think that this third eye helped with orienting an animal, and it’s especially important for a predator like Stanleycaris that has to move around rapidly and precisely in the environment,” Moysiuk said.

Three of the S. hirpex fossils that were excavated during the dig are now on permanent display at the Royal Ontario Museum in its Willner Madge Gallery, Dawn of Life.

The findings were published July 8 in the journal Current Biology(opens in new tab).

Originally published on Live Science.

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: Sawfish fossils suggest teeth likely evolved from body scales in ancient fish

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Scientists have long debated the origins of teeth. Did they evolve from body scales that migrated into the mouths of ancient vertebrates and became adapted for eating — an idea known as the “outside-in” hypothesis? Or did they evolve independent of scales, originating deep within the oral cavity and ultimately mounting onto the jaws — known as the “inside-out” hypothesis? A new study by scientists at Penn State provides evidence for the “outside-in” hypothesis.

According to vertebrate paleontologist Todd Cook, associate professor of biology, Penn State Behrend, the team did not set out to contribute to the debate about the origins of teeth. Instead, he and his colleagues were studying the tissue structure of rostral denticles, which are the jagged spikes that run along the elongated snouts of sawsharks and sawfishes and are used in foraging and self-defense. Cook, who is the lead author of the study, which appears in the September issue of Journal of Anatomy, noted that sawfishes belong to the same group as skates and rays and are closely related to sharks.

The team examined the fossilized rostral denticles of Ischyrhiza mira, a species belonging to an extinct group of sawfishes that lived in North American waters during the late Cretaceous period, around 100 to 65 million years ago. The samples had previously been recovered from a rock formation in New Jersey.

“Rostral denticles are believed to be modified scales because of their location on the elongated snout and they have an external morphology and developmental pattern that’s similar to scales,” said Cook, explaining that, just like with scales found elsewhere on the body, for a new rostral denticle to form, an old one must first fall off and make a space available. “Yet, very little was known about the organization of the tissues that make up rostral denticles, particularly the hard outermost layer known as enameloid. Given that rostral denticles are likely specialized body scales, we hypothesized that the enameloid of rostral denticles would exhibit a similar structure to the enameloid of body scales, which have simple microcrystal organization.”

To examine the internal microstructure of the fossil rostral denticles, the researchers hand sectioned the samples, both transversely — across the width — and longitudinally — across the length. Next, they used a scanning electron microscope to study the histology — or microscopic anatomy — of the rostral denticles.

“Surprisingly, Ischyrhiza mira’srostral denticle enameloid was anything but simple; it was considerably more complex than the enameloid of body scales,” said Cook. “In fact, the overall organization of the enameloid in this ancient sawfish resembled that of modern shark tooth enameloid, which has been well-characterized.”

Specifically, he noted that both Ischyrhiza mira rostral denticles and modern shark teeth have an enameloid covering that largely consists of fluorapatite microcrystals packed together into distinct bundles. Towards the outer region of the enameloid, these bundles run parallel to the surface of the tooth and are called the “parallel bundled enameloid.” Deeper, the bundles become randomly arranged, a region known as the “tangled bundled enameloid.” Finally, passing through these layers is the “radial bundled enameloid,” which is composed of packed microcrystals oriented perpendicular to the tooth surface.

In terms of function, Cook explained that having bundles of microcrystals arranged in various orientations enables shark teeth to resist the mechanical stresses associated with feeding. Similarly, he noted, “It is likely that the bundled microcrystal arrangement of the enameloid of Ischyrhiza mira’s rostral denticles also served as a way to withstand mechanical forces.”

However, the most surprising and consequential outcome of this study is that it makes an important contribution to the long-standing debate regarding the origin of teeth, said Cook. Specifically, he explained, “This finding provides direct evidence supporting the ‘outside-in’ hypothesis, as it shows that scales have the capacity to evolve a complex tooth-like enameloid outside of the mouth. It is more parsimonious to suggest that scales produced a similar bundled microstructure in teeth and rostral denticles than to conclude that both these structures evolved a similar enameloid independently.”

Other Penn State Behrend authors on the paper include Jack Prothero, undergraduate student; Michael Brudy, undergraduate student; and Jerome Magraw, senior technician.

A Penn State Behrend Undergraduate Research Grant supported this research.

Todd D. Cook, Jack Prothero, Michael Brudy, Jerome A. Magraw. Complex enameloid microstructure of † Ischyrhiza mira rostral denticlesJournal of Anatomy, 2022; 241 (3): 616 DOI: 10.1111/joa.13676


@WFS,World Fossil Society,Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: How Soft tissues fossilized?

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

New research at the University of Leicester has transformed scientists’ understanding of how spectacular fossils with delicate soft tissues form.

While most fossils are ‘hard’ tissues, such as bone, shells or teeth, some rare sites around the world had unique conditions which allowed minerals to fossilise soft parts such skin, muscles and other organs — even the fragile eyeballs of some ancient creatures.

But one aspect of this rare preservation that has troubled scientists is why some internal organs seem to fossilise more commonly that others.

Researchers in Leicester’s Centre for Palaeobiology developed an experiment to study the chemistry inside a decaying fish and map the pH levels of its internal organs over the course of the carcass decaying for two-and-a-half months.

Their findings, published today (Monday) in Palaeontology, show that each organ’s specific tissue chemistry governs its likelihood to be replaced by minerals.

This result explains why some tissues are more easily turned into the calcium phosphate fossils which capture high-resolution detail of a creature’s most fragile material, while other organs are seemingly lost to time.

Dr Thomas Clements, now of the University of Birmingham, led the study during his time as a PhD researcher at Leicester. He said:

“One of the best ways that soft tissue can turn into rock is when they are replaced by a mineral called calcium phosphate (sometimes called apatite). Scientists have been studying calcium phosphate for decades trying to understand how this process happens — but one question we just don’t understand is why some internal organs seem more likely to be preserved than others.

“We designed an experiment observing rotting fish which was disgusting and smelly, but we made an interesting discovery.

“The organs don’t generate special microenvironments — they all rot in a kind of ‘soup’ together. This means that it is the specific tissue chemistry of the organs that governs their likelihood to turn into fossils.”

In order for a tissue to phosphatize, its pH must fall below about pH 6.4. At this acidity, if the fossil is buried quickly, calcium phosphate and other minerals can begin the fossilisation process which preserves the exquisite detail of some soft tissues.

One of the finest examples of such fossils includes a Cretaceous-era octopus of the extinct genus Keuppia unearthed in Lebanon, estimated to be at least 94 million years old.

Sarah Gabbott is a Professor of Palaeobiology and co-author of the paper. Professor Gabbott added:

“Watching and recording (and smelling) how a fish rots may not be most people’s idea of science, but for palaeontologists understanding the process of decay is crucial to revealing which anatomical features of an animal are likely to become a fossil, and what they will look like.

“We were really pleased with the results because we can now explain, for example, why fossils often preserve an animal’s gut but never preserve their liver.”

Reference:Thomas Clements, Mark A. Purnell, Sarah Gabbott. Experimental analysis of organ decay and pH gradients within a carcass and the implications for phosphatization of soft tissues. Palaeontology, 2022; 65 (4) DOI: 10.1111/pala.12617

University of Leicester. “Rotting fish help solve mystery of how soft tissue fossils form.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 8 August 2022. <>.
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WFS News: Palaeotanyrhina exophthalma,A fossil insect with 360 degree vision

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

While prehistoric insects encased in amber certainly are fascinating, they usually don’t look all that different from today’s insects. A newly discovered one, however, is so bizarre that it has been placed in its own unique family.



Measuring just over 5 mm long, the insect was found in Burma, encased in 100-million-year-old amber (fossilized tree resin). Oregon State University’s Prof. George Poinar Jr., leader of a study on the find, has named it Palaeotanyrhina exophthalma. The first part of that monicker refers to the Palaeotanyrhinidae family, which Poinar created after determining that the insect didn’t fit into any existing families.

Among its unusual features are a set of protruding bulb-shaped eyes, which would have helped P. exophthalma locate prey by giving it 360-degree vision. Once it did snatch its prey, extended sheaths on the lowermost segments of its front legs secreted a sticky resin produced by its dermal glands, allowing it to maintain a firm hold on its struggling quarry.

Raised eye of Palaeotanyrhina exophthalma. Credit: George Poinar Jr., Orego

Raised eye of Palaeotanyrhina exophthalma. Credit: George Poinar Jr., Orego

Although the creature has been placed in its own family, it is a member of the existing Hemiptera order of “true bug” insects.

One of the main things that distinguishes bugs from other insects are their straw- or needle-shaped piercing mouths, which they use to suck fluids out of plants or prey. P. exophthalma had such a mouth, as do present-day members of the order such as cicadas, aphids, leafhoppers and bed bugs.

A paper on the research was recently published in the journal BioOne Complete.

Source: Article by ,

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: Pachycormus: A prehistoric predator discovered in a farm field.

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

An exceptional prehistoric site containing the remains of animals that lived in a tropical sea has been discovered in a farmer’s field in Gloucestershire, England.

Discovered beneath a field grazed by an ancient breed of English Longhorn cattle, the fossils are stunningly well preserved. Despite being approximately 183-million-year-old, the fossils look like they were frozen in time.

Pachycormus: It looks like it is going to jump out at you

                        Pachycormus: It looks like it is going to jump out at you.Picture Credit.Dean Lomax

Contained within three-dimensionally preserved limestone concretions, the remains of fish, ancient marine reptiles, squids, rare insects and more have been revealed for the first time by a team of paleontologists. The fossils come from an inland rock layer that was last exposed in the UK more than 100 years ago. It represents a unique opportunity to collect fossils from a time when this part of the country was deep underwater.

The newly found site is at Court Farm, Kings Stanley near Stroud, Gloucestershire. It was discovered by Sally and Neville Hollingworth, avid fossil collectors. They recently uncovered the remains of mammoths in the nearby Cotswold Water Park, a discovery that was featured in the BBC One documentary “Attenborough and the Mammoth Graveyard” in 2021.

Sally and Neville explained: “These fossils come from the Early Jurassic, specifically a time called the Toarcian. The clay layers exposed at this site near Stroud have yielded a significant number of well-preserved marine vertebrate fossils that are comparable to the famous and exquisitely preserved similar fauna of the Strawberry Bank Lagerstätte from Ilminster, Somerset – a prehistoric site of exceptional fossil preservation. Excavations at Kings Stanley over the last week have revealed a rich source of fossil material, particularly from a rare layer of rock that has not been exposed since the late 19th Century.”

The landowner allowed the team to investigate the bank further

The landowner allowed the team to investigate the bank further

Dr. Dean Lomax, a paleontologist and a Visiting Scientist at The University of Manchester, who recently led the excavation of the Rutland ichthyosaur that also dates to the Toarcian geological age, was part of the team and said: “The site is quite remarkable, with numerous beautifully preserved fossils of ancient animals that once lived in a Jurassic sea that covered this part of the UK during the Jurassic. Inland locations with fossils like this are rare in the UK. The fossils we have collected will surely form the basis of research projects for years to come.”

Remarkable detail: The soft tissues are preserved in the fish

Remarkable detail: The soft tissues are preserved in the fish

Many of the specimens collected will be donated to the local Museum in the Park, Stroud, where they will form a significant part of the museum’s paleontology collections. One of the team members, Alexia Clark, who is the museum’s Documentation and Collections Officer said: “We’re excited to expand our knowledge of the geology of the Stroud District and we are looking forward to a time when we can share these amazing finds with our members and visitors. Being part of the excavation team has been a real privilege and I can’t wait to share details of that experience through our members’ newsletter.”

Among the best finds were several fossil fish with excellent details of their scales, fins, and even their eyeballs. One of the most impressive discoveries was a three-dimensionally preserved fish head, belonging to a type of Jurassic fish called Pachycormus. The fish looks as if it is ‘leaping off the rock’ that it was contained inside. A digital 3D model of this fossil has been created by Steven Dey of ThinkSee3D.

Field observations and preparation of the fauna found so far indicate that the Court Farm fossils were rapidly buried, as suggested by the absence of any encrusting animals or burrows in the sediment. The layered concretions around the skeletons formed relatively early before the sediments were compacted, as the original sediment layering is preserved. These concretions prevented further compaction and compression from the overlying sediments during burial and thus preserved the fossils in three-dimensional time capsules.

Neville added, “Using the latest fossil preparation and imaging techniques to understand this unique fauna in more detail will create a rich repository. Also, we will leave a permanent reference section after excavations have concluded. Given the location and enthusiasm from the landowner and local community to be involved it is hoped to plan and develop a local STEM enrichment program as there will be opportunities for community groups and local schools to be involved in the research, particularly from the Stroud area with a focus of targeting audiences in areas of low STEM capital.”

The landowner, Adam Knight, said: “I’m delighted that after the initial work that Sally and Nev did over three years ago we now have a full-scale dig on the farm involving a range of fossil experts from The Natural History Museum, The University of Manchester, University of Reading and The Open University. On Friday we were also joined by Emily Baldry (16) on a day’s work experience before she goes to University to study paleontology – it’s wonderful to see her enthusiasm for her chosen profession. It has been a real pleasure to host the dig and I’m excited to see the results of what has been found.”

The team of paleontologists is very grateful to the Geologists’ Association Curry Fund for financing the excavation phase. Going forward, the team will continue to analyze the specimens and publish their research with the fossils planned for display at Museum in the Park, Stroud, and at the Boho Bakery Café at Court Farm, Kings Stanley, Gloucestershire.

Source: Article by Jonathan Amos, BBC.Com and Manchester University in

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev


WFS News: Some species of Plesiosaur, traditionally thought to be sea creatures, may have lived in freshwater

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Fossils of small plesiosaurs, long-necked marine reptiles from the age of dinosaurs, have been found in a 100-million year old river system that is now Morocco’s Sahara Desert. This discovery suggests some species of plesiosaur, traditionally thought to be sea creatures, may have lived in freshwater.

Plesiosaurus and spinosaurus may have both inhabited freshwater rivers

Plesiosaurus and spinosaurus may have both inhabited freshwater rivers

Plesiosaurs, first found in 1823 by fossil hunter Mary Anning, were prehistoric reptiles with small heads, long necks, and four long flippers. They inspired reconstructions of the Loch Ness Monster, but unlike the monster of Lake Loch Ness, plesiosaurs were marine animals — or were widely thought to be.

Now, scientists from the University of Bath and University of Portsmouth in the UK, and Université Hassan II in Morocco, have reported small plesiosaurs from a Cretaceous-aged river in Africa.

The fossils include bones and teeth from three-metre long adults and an arm bone from a 1.5 metre long baby. They hint that these creatures routinely lived and fed in freshwater, alongside frogs, crocodiles, turtles, fish, and the huge aquatic dinosaur Spinosaurus.

These fossils suggest the plesiosaurs were adapted to tolerate freshwater, possibly even spending their lives there, like today’s river dolphins.

The new paper was headed by University of Bath Student Georgina Bunker, along with Nick Longrich from the University of Bath’s Milner Centre for Evolution, David Martill and Roy Smith from the University of Portsmouth, and Samir Zouhri from the Universite Hassan II.

The fossils include vertebrae from the neck, back, and tail, shed teeth, and an arm bone from a young juvenile.

“It’s scrappy stuff, but isolated bones actually tell us a lot about ancient ecosystems and animals in them. They’re so much more common than skeletons, they give you more information to work with” said Dr. Nick Longrich, corresponding author on the paper.

“The bones and teeth were found scattered and in different localities, not as a skeleton. So each bone and each tooth is a different animal. We have over a dozen animals in this collection.”

Whilst bones provide information on where animals died, the teeth are interesting because they were lost while the animal was alive — so they show where the animals lived.

What’s more, the teeth show heavy wear, like those fish-eating dinosaur Spinosaurus found in the same beds.

Freshwater animals found from Kem Kem. (Image credit: Nick Longrich/University of Bath)

Freshwater animals found from Kem Kem. (Image credit: Nick Longrich/University of Bath)

The scientists say that implies the plesiosaurs were eating the same food- chipping their teeth on the armored fish that lived in the river. This hints they spent a lot of time in the river, rather than being occasional visitors.

While marine animals like whales and dolphins wander up rivers, either to feed or because they’re lost, the number of plesiosaur fossils in the river suggest that’s unlikely.

A more likely possibility is that the plesiosaurs were able to tolerate fresh and salt water, like some whales, such as the beluga whale.

It’s even possible that the plesiosaurs were permanent residents of the river, like modern river dolphins. The plesiosaurs’ small size would have let them hunt in shallow rivers, and the fossils show an incredibly rich fish fauna.

Dr Longrich said: “We don’t really know why the plesiosaurs are in freshwater.

“It’s a bit controversial, but who’s to say that because we paleontologists have always called them ‘marine reptiles’, they had to live in the sea? Lots of marine lineages invaded freshwater.”

Freshwater dolphins evolved at least four times — in the Ganges River, the Yangtze River, and twice in the Amazon. A species of freshwater seal inhabits Lake Baikal, in Siberia, so it’s possible plesiosaurs adapted to freshwater as well.

The plesiosaurs belong to the family Leptocleididae- a family of small plesiosaurs often found in brackish or freshwater elsewhere in England, Africa, and Australia. And other plesiosaurs, including the long-necked elasmosaurs, turn up in brackish or fresh waters in North America and China.

Plesiosaurs were a diverse and adaptable group, and were around for more than 100 million years. Based on what they’ve found in Africa — and what other scientists have found elsewhere — the authors suggest they might have repeatedly invaded freshwater to different degrees.

“We don’t really know, honestly. That’s how paleontology works. People ask, how can paleontologists know anything for certain about the lives of animals that went extinct millions of years ago? The reality is, we can’t always. All we can do is make educated guesses based on the information we have. We’ll find more fossils. Maybe they’ll confirm those guesses. Maybe not.”

“It’s been really interesting to see the direction this project has gone in,” said lead author Georgina Bunker. The study initially began as an undergraduate project involving a single bone, but over time, more plesiosaur fossils started turning up, slowly providing a clearer picture of the animal.

The new discovery also expands the diversity of Morocco’s Cretaceous. Said Dr. Samir Zouhri, “This is another sensational discovery that adds to the many discoveries we have made in the Kem Kem over the past fifteen years of work in this region of Morocco. Kem Kem was truly an incredible biodiversity hotspot in the Cretaceous.”

“What amazes me” said coauthor Dave Martill, “is that the ancient Moroccan river contained so many carnivores all living alongside each other. This was no place to go for a swim.”

But what does this all mean for the plausibility of something like a Loch Ness Monster? On one level, it’s plausible. Plesiosaurs weren’t confined to the seas, they did inhabit freshwater. But the fossil record also suggests that after almost a hundred and fifty million years, the last plesiosaurs finally died out at the same time as the dinosaurs, 66 million years ago.

Source:Georgina Bunker, David M. Martill, Roy Smith, Samir Zourhi, Nick Longrich. Plesiosaurs from the fluvial Kem Kem Group (mid-Cretaceous) of eastern Morocco and a review of non-marine plesiosaursCretaceous Research, 2022; 105310 DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2022.105310

University of Bath. “Plesiosaur fossils found in the Sahara suggest they weren’t just marine animals.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 27 July 2022. <>
@WFS,World Fossil Society,Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: Mosasaurus: Apex ocean predator of the dinosaur age

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Mosasaurus was a ferocious predator in the ancient oceans of the Cretaceous period (145.5 million to 65.5 million years ago). While dinosaurs dominated the land, Mosasaurus used its long tail and stumpy, paddle-like limbs to cruise through the water, devouring all kinds of prey with its massive jaws and sharp, cone-shaped teeth.

Mosasaurus is one genus, or group of species, out of dozens that made up a diverse family of marine reptiles called mosasaurs. The mosasaurs ruled the ocean in the late Cretaceous period. They were not sea dinosaurs, but a separate group of reptiles, more closely related to modern snakes and lizards, according to the Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum.

Mosasaurs went extinct 65.5 million years ago in the same mass extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs, Live Science previously reported. A Mosasaurus species has since been fictionally resurrected on the big screen, most notably in the 2015 movie blockbuster “Jurassic World,” increasing the profile of this mighty group of marine reptiles.

Mosasaurus species are among the largest members of the mosasaur family, according to the Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum. One of the biggest specimens ever found was identified as Mosasaurus hoffmanni and was estimated to be about 56 feet (17 meters) long in life, according to a 2014 study published in the journal Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS. Not all mosasaurs were giants though. Some species, such as Xenodens calminechari, were only about the size of a porpoise, Live Science previously reported.

The biggest Mosasaurus would have been comparable in size to the mighty megalodon — a giant shark that dominated oceans in the middle Miocene and Pliocene epochs (15.9 million to 2.6 million years ago), long after the mosasaurs went extinct 65.5 million years ago. Megalodons could have reached up to 49 to 59 feet (15 to 18 meters) long, according to the Natural History Museum (NHM) in London. Neither of these predators, however, were ever as big as the modern blue whale, which can reach up to 110 feet (34 meters) long and is the biggest known animal to have ever existed.



Mosasaurs were the ocean’s most dominant predator at the end of the Cretaceous period and lived across the world’s oceans. Large mosasaurs would have likely eaten almost any kind of prey they were able to catch, including fish, sharks, sea birds and even other mosasaurs, according to the U.S. National Park Service. These mosasaurs were apex predators and could be compared to modern orcas, while other mosasaur species were more specialized feeders and adapted to eat shellfish, like modern sea ottersLive Science previously reported.

Occasionally, mosasaur fossils were preserved with their stomach contents intact, which helps paleontologists learn more about their hunting strategies. For example, paleontologists in Canada uncovered a specimen from the species Mosasaurus missouriensis with large fish bones inside it, according to National Geographic(opens in new tab). The fish was larger than the mosasaur’s head, and the placement of the bones suggested the mosasaur had devoured its prey piece by piece.

In another fossil find, a juvenile Mosasaurus was found in the stomach of another mosasaur species, Prognathodon kianda. The fossil, from the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), demonstrates that even the largest mosasaur species could be preyed upon. In fact, Mosasaurus hoffmanni fossils have been uncovered with severely broken and healed jaws that indicate they led a violent or dangerous lifestyle, according to a 1995 study published in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.

Mosasaurs may have started out swimming through the water like a snake or an eel, but mosasaur tails changed over time. The animals evolved to have a shark-like tail to propel themselves through the water. They may also have been capable of a powerful breaststroke, using their paddle-like forelimbs to assist in sudden bursts of speed to catch prey.

The movie “Jurassic World” (2015) features an iconic shot of a giant Mosasaurus rocketing out of the water to snatch a dangling shark. This big-screen depiction of the ancient sea monster made several other appearances in the “Jurassic World” series, but experts didn’t consider the depiction scientifically accurate.

The real Mosasaurus species were simply not that big, paleontologists told Live Science shortly after “Jurassic World” was released in 2015. The creature in the film is about twice the size of the largest known mosasaur fossil, according to ReBecca Hunt-Foster, a paleontologist at the Bureau of Land Management Canyon Country District, and John Foster, the director of the Museum of Moab.

Kenneth Lacovara, then a professor of paleontology and geology at Drexel University, also acknowledged the marine reptile was too large but gave the film “kudos” for including an accurate depiction of the mosasaur’s palatal teeth — a specialized second set of teeth in the animal’s upper mouth, similar to those in some snakes and lizards that hold prey in place and prevent its escape.

According to Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum, the movie mosasaur’s movement is also inaccurate, based on a dated interpretation of Mosasaurus swimming like eels or snakes.

The mosasaurs disappeared from the fossil record alongside non-avian dinosaurs 65.5 million years ago, after a giant asteroid crashed into Earth at the end of the Cretaceous period. The rich marine ecosystems that mosasaurs inhabited and depended upon for food collapsed after the asteroid strike, according to a 2005 study in the Netherlands Journal of Geosciences. This collapse caused all mosasaurs to die out, never to return.

The role of dominant ocean predator was once held by marine reptiles that resembled modern dolphins, known as ichthyosaurs. Those animals were succeeded by the plesiosaurs, which were then replaced by the mosasaurs, according to the Naranjo Museum of Natural History. After mosasaurs disappeared, crocodilians increased in numbers and took over the role of large marine predators, according to the Netherlands Journal of Geosciences study.

Source: Article by ,

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News:Scientists Find Fossil Of Prehistoric Bear-Dog

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev.

amphicyonid species

amphicyonid species

A group of scientists has found a fossilised lower jaw of a giant creature that one roamed the Earth. Named Tartarocyon cazanavei, it lived in what is now France – between 12.8 and 12 million years ago.

Also known as the bear-dog, the fossilised body part of the enormous animal was recovered from the marine deposits of Sallepisse in the Pyrenees-Atlantiques department, France.

According to Discover Magazine, the paleontologists believe that the lower jaw bone is that of a new species of the bear-dog, or amphicyonid.

Many different types of amphicyonid species existed in Europe during the early Miocene period.

Many different types of amphicyonid species existed in Europe during the early Miocene period.

Paleontologist Bastien Mennecart and other co-authors said in the paper that the team found the jawbone had a unique lower premolar, suggesting it belonged to a genus of the predator species never seen before.

The team also claimed that the animal weighed approximately 200 kg.

Mennecart and the team named the species after Tartaro, a powerful, one-eyed giant from Basque mythology.  The legend of Tartaro is also known in Bearn, the region where the lower jaw was found.

Many different types of amphicyonid species existed in Europe during the early Miocene period, but went extinct around 7.5 million years ago.

Numerous past studies have shown that amphicyonids displayed typical mesocarnivorous, omnivorous, bone-crushing, and hypercarnivorous diets.

The amphicyon genus was named in 1836 by Edouard Lartet. It originally meant “ambiguous dog”, but in later years, the nickname was changed to “bear-dog”.

CommentsFossils of this species have been found in Nebraska in North America and in France and Spain in Europe.

A paper on the discovery has been published in PeerJ.

Source: NDTV.Com

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev.

WFS News: New species of gigantic, long necked dinosaurs found

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev.

new species of long-necked titanosaurian dinosaur in Tanzania that lived about 70 to 100 million years ago

new species of long-necked titanosaurian dinosaur in Tanzania that lived about 70 to 100 million years ago

New York: Scientists have discovered a new species of long-necked titanosaurian dinosaur in Tanzania that lived about 70 to 100 million years ago.

The new species named Shingopana songwensis is a member of the gigantic, long-necked sauropods. Its fossil was discovered in the Songwe region of the Great Rift Valley in southwestern Tanzania.

“There are anatomical features present only in Shingopana and in several South American titanosaurs, but not in other African titanosaurs,” said Eric Gorscak, a paleontologist at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, US.

“Shingopana had siblings in South America, whereas other African titanosaurs were only distant cousins,” Gorscak added.

The team conducted phylogenetic analyses to understand the evolutionary relationships of these and other titanosaurs.

They found that Shingopana was more closely related to titanosaurs of South America than to any of the other species currently known from Africa or elsewhere.

“This discovery suggests that the fauna of northern and southern Africa were very different in the Cretaceous Period,” said Judy Skog, a programme director in National Science Fuundation in the US.

“At that time, southern Africa dinosaurs were more closely related to those in South America, and were more widespread than we knew,” Skog added.

Shingopana roamed the Cretaceous landscape alongside Rukwatitan bisepultus, another titanosaur identified in 2014, researchers said.

Part of the Shingopana skeleton was excavated in 2002 by scientists affiliated with the Rukwa Rift Basin Project, an international effort led by Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine researchers Patrick O’Connor and Nancy Stevens.

The findings were published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.


@WFS,World Fossil Society,Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev.

WFS News: Chemical clues reveal dinosaur metabolisms

WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev, Athira

For decades, paleontologists have debated whether dinosaurs were warm-blooded, like modern mammals and birds, or cold-blooded, like modern reptiles. Knowing whether dinosaurs were warm- or cold-blooded could give us hints about how active they were and what their everyday lives were like, but the methods to determine their warm- or cold-bloodedness — how quickly their metabolisms could turn oxygen into energy — were inconclusive. But in a new paper in Nature, scientists are unveiling a new method for studying dinosaurs’ metabolic rates, using clues in their bones that indicated how much the individual animals breathed in their last hour of life.

“This is really exciting for us as paleontologists — the question of whether dinosaurs were warm- or cold-blooded is one of the oldest questions in paleontology, and now we think we have a consensus, that most dinosaurs were warm-blooded,” says Jasmina Wiemann, the paper’s lead author and a postdoctoral researcher at the California Institute of Technology.

“The new proxy developed by Jasmina Wiemann allows us to directly infer metabolism in extinct organisms, something that we were only dreaming about just a few years ago. We also found different metabolic rates characterizing different groups, which was previously suggested based on other methods, but never directly tested,” says Matteo Fabbri, a postdoctoral researcher at the Field Museum in Chicago and one of the study’s authors.

People sometimes talk about metabolism in terms of how easy it is for someone to stay in shape, but at its core, “metabolism is how effectively we convert the oxygen that we breathe into chemical energy that fuels our body,” says Wiemann, who is affiliated with Yale University and the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.

Animals with a high metabolic rate are endothermic, or warm-blooded; warm-blooded animals like birds and mammals take in lots of oxygen and have to burn a lot of calories in order to maintain their body temperature and stay active. Cold-blooded, or ectothermic, animals like reptiles breathe less and eat less. Their lifestyle is less energetically expensive than a hot-blooded animal’s, but it comes at a price: cold-blooded animals are reliant on the outside world to keep their bodies at the right temperature to function (like a lizard basking in the sun), and they tend to be less active than warm-blooded creatures.

With birds being warm-blooded and reptiles being cold-blooded, dinosaurs were caught in the middle of a debate. Birds are the only dinosaurs that survived the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous, but dinosaurs (and by extension, birds) are technically reptiles — outside of birds, their closest living relatives are crocodiles and alligators. So would that make dinosaurs warm-blooded, or cold-blooded?

Scientists have tried to glean dinosaurs’ metabolic rates from chemical and osteohistological analyses of their bones. “In the past, people have looked at dinosaur bones with isotope geochemistry that basically works like a paleo-thermometer,” says Wiemann — researchers examine the minerals in a fossil and determine what temperatures those minerals would form in. “It’s a really cool approach and it was really revolutionary when it came out, and it continues to provide very exciting insights into the physiology of extinct animals. But we’ve realized that we don’t really understand yet how fossilization processes change the isotope signals that we pick up, so it is hard to unambiguously compare the data from fossils to modern animals.”

Another method for studying metabolism is growth rate. “If you look at a cross section of dinosaur bone tissue, you can see a series of lines, like tree rings, that correspond to years of growth,” says Fabbri. “You can count the lines of growth and the space between them to see how fast the dinosaur grew. The limit relies on how you transform growth rate estimates into metabolism: growing faster or slower can have more to do with the animal’s stage in life than with its metabolism, like how we grow faster when we’re young and slower when we’re older.”

The new method proposed by Wiemann, Fabbri, and their colleagues doesn’t look at the minerals present in bone or how quickly the dinosaur grew. Instead, they look at one of the most basic hallmarks of metabolism: oxygen use. When animals breathe, side products form that react with proteins, sugars, and lipids, leaving behind molecular “waste.” This waste is extremely stable and water-insoluble, so it’s preserved during the fossilization process. It leaves behind a record of how much oxygen a dinosaur was breathing in, and thus, its metabolic rate.

The researchers looked for these bits of molecular waste in dark-colored fossil femurs, because those dark colors indicate that lots of organic matter are preserved. They examined the fossils using Raman and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy — “these methods work like laser microscopes, we can basically quantify the abundance of these molecular markers that tell us about the metabolic rate,” says Wiemann. “It is a particularly attractive method to paleontologists, because it is non-destructive.”

The team analyzed the femurs of 55 different groups of animals, including dinosaurs, their flying cousins the pterosaurs, their more distant marine relatives the plesiosaurs, and modern birds, mammals, and lizards. They compared the amount of breathing-related molecular byproducts with the known metabolic rates of the living animals and used those data to infer the metabolic rates of the extinct ones.

The team found that dinosaurs’ metabolic rates were generally high. There are two big groups of dinosaurs, the saurischians and the ornithischians — lizard hips and bird hips. The bird-hipped dinosaurs, like Triceratops and Stegosaurus, had low metabolic rates comparable to those of cold-blooded modern animals. The lizard-hipped dinosaurs, including theropods and the sauropods — the two-legged, more bird-like predatory dinosaurs like Velociraptor and T. rex and the giant, long-necked herbivores like Brachiosaurus — were warm- or even hot-blooded. The researchers were surprised to find that some of these dinosaurs weren’t just warm-blooded — they had metabolic rates comparable to modern birds, much higher than mammals. These results complement previous independent observations that hinted at such trends but could not provide direct evidence, because of the lack of a direct proxy to infer metabolism.

These findings, the researchers say, can give us fundamentally new insights into what dinosaurs’ lives were like.

“Dinosaurs with lower metabolic rates would have been, to some extent, dependent on external temperatures,” says Wiemann. “Lizards and turtles sit in the sun and bask, and we may have to consider similar ‘behavioral’ thermoregulation in ornithischians with exceptionally low metabolic rates. Cold-blooded dinosaurs also might have had to migrate to warmer climates during the cold season, and climate may have been a selective factor for where some of these dinosaurs could live.”

On the other hand, she says, the hot-blooded dinosaurs would have been more active and would have needed to eat a lot. “The hot-blooded giant sauropods were herbivores, and it would take a lot of plant matter to feed this metabolic system. They had very efficient digestive systems, and since they were so big, it probably was more of a problem for them to cool down than to heat up.” Meanwhile, the theropod dinosaurs — the group that contains birds — developed high metabolisms even before some of their members evolved flight.

“Reconstructing the biology and physiology of extinct animals is one of the hardest things to do in paleontology. This new study adds a fundamental piece of the puzzle in understanding the evolution of physiology in deep time and complements previous proxies used to investigate these questions. We can now infer body temperature through isotopes, growth strategies through osteohistology, and metabolic rates through chemical proxies,” says Fabbri.

In addition to giving us insights into what dinosaurs were like, this study also helps us better understand the world around us today. Dinosaurs, with the exception of birds, died out in a mass extinction 65 million years ago when an asteroid struck the Earth. “Having a high metabolic rate has generally been suggested as one of the key advantages when it comes to surviving mass extinctions and successfully radiating afterwards,” says Wiemann — some scientists have proposed that birds survived while the non-avian dinosaurs died because of the birds’ increased metabolic capacity. But this study, Wiemann says, helps to show that this isn’t true: many dinosaurs with bird-like, exceptional metabolic capacities went extinct.

“We are living in the sixth mass extinction,” says Wiemann, “so it is important for us to understand how modern and extinct animals physiologically responded to previous climate change and environmental perturbations, so that the past can inform biodiversity conservation in the present and inform our future actions.”

Journal Reference:

  1. Jasmina Wiemann, Iris Menéndez, Jason M. Crawford, Matteo Fabbri, Jacques A. Gauthier, Pincelli M. Hull, Mark A. Norell, Derek E. G. Briggs. Fossil biomolecules reveal an avian metabolism in the ancestral dinosaurNature, 2022; DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04770-6
Source: Science
WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev, Athira