Slow-motion collisions of tectonic plates under the ocean drag about three times more water down into the deep Earth than previously estimated, according to a first-of-its-kind seismic study that spans the Mariana Trench. The observations from the deepest ocean trench in the world have important implications for the global water cycle, according to researchers in […]
Posts Tagged ‘deep’
Seismic analysis reveals huge amount of water dragged into Earth’s interior

WFS News: Unique diamond impurities indicate water deep in Earth’s mantle

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev A UNLV scientist has discovered the first direct evidence that fluid water pockets may exist as far as 500 miles deep into the Earth’s mantle. Groundbreaking research by UNLV geoscientist Oliver Tschauner and colleagues found diamonds pushed up from the Earth’s interior had traces of unique crystallized water […]