Slow-motion collisions of tectonic plates under the ocean drag about three times more water down into the deep Earth than previously estimated, according to a first-of-its-kind seismic study that spans the Mariana Trench. The observations from the deepest ocean trench in the world have important implications for the global water cycle, according to researchers in […]
Posts Tagged ‘Earth’
Seismic analysis reveals huge amount of water dragged into Earth’s interior

Plate tectonics may have been active on Earth since its origin

A new study suggests that plate tectonics — a scientific theory that divides Earth into large chunks of crust that move slowly over hot viscous mantle rock — could have been active from the planet’s very beginning. The new findings defy previous beliefs that tectonic plates were developed over the course of billions of years. […]
Earth’s oldest animals formed complex communities

A new analysis is shedding light on Earth’s first macroscopic animals: the 570-million-year-old, enigmatic Ediacara biota. Ediacaran fossils have a slightly bizarre appearance not shared by any modern animal groups. For decades, researchers believed these enigmatic fossils were ecologically simple. However, borrowing a method from modern ecology — fitting species to relative abundance distributions — […]
Ancient farmers profoundly changed Earth’s climate!!!

Millennia ago, ancient farmers cleared land to plant wheat and maize, potatoes and squash. They flooded fields to grow rice. They began to raise livestock. And unknowingly, they may have been fundamentally altering the climate of Earth. A study published in the journal Scientific Reports provides new evidence that ancient farming practices led to a […]
Study of material surrounding distant stars shows that Earth’s ingredients are pretty normal

The Earth’s building blocks seem to be built from ‘pretty normal’ ingredients, according to researchers working with the world’s most powerful telescopes. Scientists have measured the compositions of 18 different planetary systems from up to 456 light years away and compared them to ours, and found that many elements are present in similar proportions to those found on Earth. This will have implications for finding Earth-like bodies elsewhere.
Sound waves reveal enormous diamond cache deep in Earth’s interior

Sound waves reveal a surprisingly large diamond cache deep in Earth’s interior, researchers report.
Earth’s ancient biosphere deciphered using prehistoric lake deposits.

A sample of ancient oxygen, teased out of a 1.4-billion-year-old evaporative lake deposit in Ontario, provides fresh evidence of what the Earth’s atmosphere and biosphere were like during the interval leading up to the emergence of animal life.
WFS News: Two-billion-year-old evaporites capture Earth’s great oxidation.

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev A 2-billion-year-old chunk of sea salt provides new evidence for the transformation of Earth’s atmosphere into an oxygenated environment capable of supporting life as we know it. The study by an international team of institutions including Princeton University found that the rise in oxygen that occurred about 2.3 […]
WFS News: fossils shed light animal evolution on Earth

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Scientists have discovered traces of life more than half-a-billion years old that could change the way we think about how all animals evolved on earth. The international team, including palaeontologist from The University of Manchester, found a new set of trace fossils left by some of the first […]