@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Fossil evidence reveals that the long necks of the ancient marine reptiles, Tanystropheus, made them vulnerable to predators. The study found bite marks on the necks of the fossils, providing the first direct proof of this long-suspected evolutionary disadvantage despite their survival success over a span […]
Posts Tagged ‘fossils’
WFS News: “Achilles Neck” – Fossils Reveal Long-Necked Reptiles Were Decapitated by Predators

WFS News: Sawfish fossils suggest teeth likely evolved from body scales in ancient fish

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Scientists have long debated the origins of teeth. Did they evolve from body scales that migrated into the mouths of ancient vertebrates and became adapted for eating — an idea known as the “outside-in” hypothesis? Or did they evolve independent of scales, originating deep within the oral cavity […]
WFS News: Debate on shelf life of DNA vs presence of DNA in fossils

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev About 75 million years ago, a nest of plant-eating dinosaurs called Hypacrosaurus stebingeri died in what’s now Montana. Their fossils were found in the 1980s, and now an international team of scientists has presented evidence that the old bones contain traces of genetic material. The paper published in National Science […]
WFS News: Ancient Passerines Fossils reveals Oldest Finch-Beaked Birds

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev A 52-million-year fossil of a “perching bird” has been found in Wyoming with its feathers still attached, a discovery that “no one’s ever seen before.” Also known as passerines, the perching bird was discovered in Fossil Lake, WY. Passerines are well-known for eating seeds, as most modern-day birds do and […]
Earth’s oldest animals formed complex communities

A new analysis is shedding light on Earth’s first macroscopic animals: the 570-million-year-old, enigmatic Ediacara biota. Ediacaran fossils have a slightly bizarre appearance not shared by any modern animal groups. For decades, researchers believed these enigmatic fossils were ecologically simple. However, borrowing a method from modern ecology — fitting species to relative abundance distributions — […]
Rare fossils give researchers insight into evolution of bird-like dinosaur

An international team of researchers discovered a new species of dinosaur, Xiyunykus pengi, during an expedition to Xinjiang, China. The discovery is the latest stemming from a partnership between the George Washington University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The findings were published today in Current Biology along with the description of a second new […]
WFS News: Early African Fossils Elucidate the Origin of Embrithopod Mammals

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Long before rhinoceros, giraffes, hippos, and antelopes roamed the African savannah, a group of large and highly specialized mammals known as embrithopods inhabited the continent. The most well known is Arsinoitherium, an animal that looked much like a rhinoceros but was in fact more closely related to elephants, […]
WFS News: Fossils of Pufferfish species unearthed in Germany

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Scientists in southern Germany have discovered the fossilized remains of a previously unknown pufferfish. A team from the Bamberg Museum of Natural History made the find in a stone quarry in nearby Wattendorf. Matthias Mäuser, the head of the museum, said the pufferfish lived around 150 million years […]
WFS News: A unified model of the formation mechanism of spherical carbonate concretions contain exceptionally well-preserved fossils

@WFS,World Fosssil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Spherical, isolated carbonate concretions occur throughout the world in marine argillaceous sedimentary rocks of widely varying geological ages. These concretions are characteristically highly enriched in CaCO3compared to the surrounding sedimentary rock matrices and are typically separated from these rock matrices by sharp boundaries1,2,3. These sharp boundaries mean that […]
WFS News: Treasure trove of highly detailed fossils uncovered

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev A team of researchers from Uppsala University have uncovered a hidden diversity of microscopic animal fossils from over half a billion years ago lurking in rocks from the northern tip of Greenland. The ‘Cambrian explosion’ of animal diversity beginning ~541 million years ago is a defining episode in […]