@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Cutting-edge technology has revealed new insights about a globally famous fossil treasure trove, which may provide critical evidence concerning early life on Earth. Scientists investigating the 400 million-year-old fossil cache, discovered in the remote northeastern region of Scotland, report that their results display a higher level […]
Posts Tagged ‘Paleontology’
WFS News: The “Rosetta Stone” of Paleontology: 400 Million-Year-Old Fossil Cache Unveils Early Life

Paleontologists discover largest dinosaur foot ever

The dinosaur foot known as ‘Bigfoot,’ described in a new scientific paper recently published in the open-access journal PeerJ — the Journal of Life and Environmental Sciences, was excavated in 1998 by an expedition from the University of Kansas, with Anthony Maltese, lead author of the study, as member of the crew. After detailed preparation and study, Maltese and his international team of researchers identified it as belonging to an animal very closely related to Brachiosaurus.
Laser-Stimulated Fluorescence in Paleontology

Highlighting and identifying fossilized structures can be difficult whether it is bone, soft tissue such as skin, muscle and internal organs, or integument such as scales and feathers. Historically, multiple methods have been used to highlight structures for photography, including cross-lighting, polarized light , camera filters, and ultraviolet (UV) light . Cross-lighting can highlight structures […]
microtomography : A new tool in Paleontology

Researchers from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich have used computed microtomography (micro-CT) to identify to the species level an exceptionally wellpreserved fossil arthropod from the famous Chengjiang Lagerstätte in China. Modern imaging methods make it possible to perform detailed, non-invasive studies on the internal structures of irreplaceable fossil specimens. Researchers led by Dr. Yu Liu of […]