@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Paleontologists have discovered the remains of an ancient Loch Ness Monsterlook-alike in freezing Antarctica. And just like the legendary Nessie, it wasn’t the runt of the litter. The prehistoric plesiosaur — a four-flippered marine reptile that lived during the dinosaur age — measured a colossal 36 feet (11 meters) […]
Posts Tagged ‘plesiosaur’
WFS News: prehistoric plesiosaur from Antarctica Breaks a Record for Body Size

plesiosaur fossil mystery resolved

Scientists have reconstructed how an ancient reptile swam in the oceans at the time of the dinosaurs. Computer simulations suggest the plesiosaur moved through the water like a penguin, using its front limbs as paddles and back limbs for steering.The creature’s swimming gait has been a mystery since bones of the first known specimen were […]