The timing and size of three deadly earthquakes that struck Italy in 2016 may have been pre-determined, according to new research that could improve future earthquake forecasts. A joint British-Italian team of geologists and seismologists have shown that the clustering of the three quakes might have been caused by the arrangement of a cross-cutting network […]
Posts Tagged ‘Research’
Research into deadly 2016 Italian earthquakes could improve future seismic forecasts

Study of material surrounding distant stars shows that Earth’s ingredients are pretty normal

The Earth’s building blocks seem to be built from ‘pretty normal’ ingredients, according to researchers working with the world’s most powerful telescopes. Scientists have measured the compositions of 18 different planetary systems from up to 456 light years away and compared them to ours, and found that many elements are present in similar proportions to those found on Earth. This will have implications for finding Earth-like bodies elsewhere.
WFS News:Dinosaur DNA Research: Is the tale wagging the evidence?

@ WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Dinosaurs are a popular topic of study, whether in the public imagination or in scientific research. The scientific community, however, has a dirty little secret regarding the manner in which that research is handled. If dinosaur DNA doesn’t “look like chicken” (or a crocodile), it will most […]