Posts Tagged ‘Russel T Sajeev’

evolutionary link between birds and dinosaurs

A small, bird-like North American dinosaur incubated its eggs in a similar way to brooding birds – bolstering the evolutionary link between birds and dinosaurs, researchers at the University of Calgary and Montana State University study have found. Among the many mysteries paleontologists have tried to uncover is how dinosaurs hatched their young. Was it […]

Ancient Snail Shells Hint at Future Global Warming

A major global cooling event 34 million years ago chilled land as well as sea, according to climate clues found in an unusual place: fossil snail shells. The new research, published on April 22 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, reveals the historical links between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and […]

WFS found nano prehistoric Teredina Sp. on wood fossil

Fossils provide insight into origin of Antarctic ecosystem

The circum-Antarctic Southern Ocean is an important region for global marine food webs and carbon cycling because of sea-ice formation and its unique plankton ecosystem. The origin of its ecosystems can be traced back to the emergence of the Antarctic ice sheets approximately 33.6 million years ago. This discovery was made by an international team […]

Iron in Primeval Seas Rusted by Bacteria

Researchers from the University of Tübingen have been able to show for the first time how microorganisms contributed to the formation of the world’s biggest iron ore deposits. The biggest known deposits — in South Africa and Australia — are geological formations billions of years old. They are mainly composed of iron oxides — minerals […]

A Four-Winged, Fish-Eating Dinosaur

University of Alberta-led research reveals that Microraptor, a small flying dinosaur was a complete hunter, able to swoop down and pickup fish as well as its previously known prey of birds and tree dwelling mammals. U of A paleontology graduate student Scott Persons says new evidence of Microrpator’s hunting ability came from fossilized remains in […]

Earth day ,2013 : Think about Mother earth.

Cree Indian Proverb quotes Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.   “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” ~ Mohandas K. Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi)   For 200 years we’ve […]

WFS Tools : Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

1.  What is GPR?   acronym for Ground Penetrating Radar ground can be soil, rock, concrete, wood – anything non-metallic emits a pulse into the ground records echoes builds an image from the echoes Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is the general term applied to techniques which employ radio waves, typically in the 1 to 1000 […]

Carnivorous Dinosaur Dahalokely tokana Raises More Questions Than It Answers

The first new species of dinosaur from Madagascar in nearly a decade was announced today, filling an important gap in the island’s fossil record. Dahalokely tokana (pronounced “dah-HAH-loo-KAY-lee too-KAH-nah”) is estimated to have been between nine and 14 feet long, and it lived around 90 million years ago. Dahalokely belongs to a group called abelisauroids, […]

Anal fin of Euphanerops Fossil offers new insight into evolution

An unusual fossil fish that has fins behind its anus could have implications for human evolution according to a scientist at The University of Manchester. Dr Robert Sansom from the Faculty of Life Sciences identified the paired fins of Euphanerops, a fossil jawless fish that swam in the seas around 370 million years ago. The […]