Posts Tagged ‘Russel T Sajeev’

Molten Magma Can Survive in Upper Crust for Hundreds of Millennia

Reservoirs of silica-rich magma — the kind that causes the most explosive volcanic eruptions — can persist in Earth’s upper crust for hundreds of thousands of years without triggering an eruption, according to new University of Washington modeling research. That means an area known to have experienced a massive volcanic eruption in the past, such […]

Ancient DNA Unravels Europe’s Genetic Diversity

Ancient DNA recovered from a time series of skeletons in Germany spanning 4,000 years of prehistory has been used to reconstruct the first detailed genetic history of modern-day Europeans. The study, published today in Science, reveals dramatic population changes with waves of prehistoric migration, not only from the accepted path via the Near East, but […]

World Fossil Society Found Bivalve fossils from an unrecorded fossil site in South India

Pictures of miocene origin Bivalves From the unrecorded geological site of South India.  Congratulations to our Explorers and advisory geologists/Paleontologists. The oyster Crassostrea Sp is one of the commonest fossils found in the  miocene . The calcite shell is thick and survives well after weathering and erosion of the clays and shales in which it […]

Fossil bird from 125 million years ago shows some dinosaur traits

BEIJING, Oct. 8 (UPI) — A bird 125 million years ago had two distinct kinds of feathers, resembling those of non-flying feathered reptiles and modern birds, Chinese researchers say.A new analysis of the fossil Jeholornis, first described more than a decade ago, revealed a previously unrecognized second group of flight feathers at the base of […]

Iron Melt Network Helped Grow Earth’s Core, Study Suggests

Stanford scientists recreated the intense pressures and temperatures found deep within Earth, resulting in a discovery that complicates theories of how the planet and its core were formed. The same process that allows water to trickle through coffee grinds to create your morning espresso may have played a key role in the formation of the […]

World Fossil Society Predicts A new Cretaceous Bed in South India

World fossil society Founder Riffin T sajeev And his brother Russel T sajeev Found A new evidence for the possibility of  a cretaceous sediment layer somewhere near Koodankulam,Tamilnadu.  WFS group got various cretaceous fossils like Inoceramus,Griphaea etc from this area and ruled out the possibility of mass movement of cretaceous fossils from known cretaceous bed […]

Dinosaur village offers new body of evidence

BEIJING,Sept. 21 (Xinhuanet) — Scientists are conducting research on a site where an earlier generation of paleontologists had first begun their work, with the hope of unveiling more of the story from the Late Cretaceous period, Cheng Yingqi reports. The village of Jingangkou, 10 km southeast of Laiyang, Shandong province, is like any farming community. Houses […]

Insect plugs gap in fossil record

PARIS: One day 370 million years ago, a tiny larva plunged into a shrimp-infested swamp and drowned. Unearthed in modern-day Belgium, the humble bug could plug a giant gap in the fossil record. Named Strudiella devonica, the eight-millimetre invertebrate – while in far from mint condition – is thought by researchers who published their findings […]

High Tooth Replacement Rates in Largest Dinosaurs Contributed to Their Evolutionary Success

Rapid tooth replacement by sauropods, the largest dinosaurs in the fossil record, likely contributed to their evolutionary success, according to a research paper by Stony Brook University paleontologist Michael D’Emic, PhD, and colleagues. Published in PLOS ONE, the study also hypothesizes that differences in tooth replacement rates among the giant herbivores likely meant their diets […]

Massive dinosaur fossil unearthed by Alberta pipeline crew

A team of oil pipeline workers digging at a site near Spirit River, Alberta have unearthed an incredible find — a roughly 10-metre-long fossilized dinosaur tail. “What we have is a totally composed tail,” Brian Brake, the executive director of the Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum, told the Edmonton Journal on Wednesday. “It’s beautiful.”   […]