@ WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Researchers led by the University of Cambridge have found the earliest example of reproduction in a complex organism. Their new study has found that some organisms known as rangeomorphs, which lived 565 million years ago, reproduced by taking a joint approach: they first sent out an ‘advance […]
Posts Tagged ‘WFS NEWS’
WFS News:Fossil points to early rise of ancient crocodiles

@ WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev The discovery reveals that an extinct group of aquatic reptiles evolved millions of years earlier than was previously thought, researchers say.The new species was a 10-foot-long animal that lived in the warm, shallow seas that covered much of what is now Europe.Powerful jaws and big, serrated teeth […]
WFS News: Exceptional soft tissues preservation in a mummified frog-eating Eocene salamander

@ WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev A new study on an exceptionally preserved salamander from the Eocene of France reveals that its soft organs are conserved under its skin and bones. Organs preserved in three dimensions include the lung, nerves, gut, and within it, the last meal of the animal, according to a […]
WFS News: The first known neonate Ichthyosaurus communis skeleton

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Scientists from the UK have identified the smallest and youngest specimen of Ichthyosaurus communis on record and found an additional surprise preserved in its stomach. The ichthyosaur fossil has a total length of just around 70 cm and had the remains of a prehistoric squid in its stomach. […]
WFS News: Helicopter lifts chasmosaur fossil with ‘frill’ in Alberta

@ WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Two years after paleontologist Jordan Mallon of the Canadian Museum of Nature and his team discovered the skull of a chasmosaur while going through a dinosaur bonebed in Alberta, he finally got to see a helicopter lift it into the air. “There’s no roads down to the […]
WFS News: how Earth was first formed?

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Oxford University scientists have shed new light on how Earth was first formed. Based on observations of newly-forming stars, scientists know that the solar system began as a disc of dust and gas surrounding the centrally-growing sun. The gas condensed to solids which accumulated into larger rocky bodies […]
WFS News: Utah Paleontologists Turn to Crowdfunding for Raptor Project

@ WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T sajeev Millions of years ago, on a mud flat somewhere in Cretaceous Utah, a group of Utahraptors made a grave mistake: They tried to hunt near quicksand. The pack’s poor fortune has given modern paleontologists an opportunity to decode the giant raptor — its appearance, growth and behavior […]
WFS news: new fossil discovery suggests Life on Earth could be nearly four billion years old

@ WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Life on Earth could be nearly four billion years old, new fossil evidence suggests. Researchers analysed rocks found in Saglek in northern Labrador, Canada, which were dated to at least 3.95 billion years ago. At that time, the Earth was still relatively young – it was formed […]
WFS News: 3-D scanning methods allow an inside look into fossilized feces

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Coprolites are fossilized feces that give evidence of an organism’s behavior and often contain food residues, parasite remains and other fossils that provide clues to ancient paleoecological relations. Many of the inclusions in coprolites are delicate and fossilized soft tissues, which in many cases are more likely preserved […]
WFS News: Early trilobites had stomachs?

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Exceptionally preserved trilobite fossils from China, dating back to more than 500 million years ago, have revealed new insights into the extinct marine animal’s digestive system. Published today in the journal PLOS ONE, the new study shows that at least two trilobite species evolved a stomach structure 20 […]