Posts Tagged ‘WFS NEWS’

WFS News: Is the anthropocene a formal unit of geologic time scale?

In the March-April issue of GSA Today, Stanley Finney (California State University at Long Beach) and Lucy Edwards (U.S. Geological Survey) tackle the hot topic of whether to define a new “Anthropocene” epoch as a formal unit of the geologic time scale. The term “Anthropocene” has receive significant coverage in both the geoscience and popular […]

WFS News: X-raying the Earth with waves from stormy weather ‘bombs’

Using a detection network based in Japan, scientists have uncovered a rare type of deep-earth tremor that they attribute to a distant North Atlantic storm called a “weather bomb.” The discovery marks the first time scientists have observed this particular tremor, known as an S wave microseism. And, as Peter Gerstoft and Peter D. Bromirski […]

WFS News: Beetles with Orchid Pollinaria in Dominican and Mexican Amber

@WFS News,WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev Beetles with Orchid Pollinaria in Dominican and Mexican Amber Orchids are extraordinary plants that have evolved the strategy of dispersing their pollen in little sacs called pollinia. Pollinia are normally attached by supports (caudicles) to adhesive pads (viscidia) that stick to various body parts of the pollinator. […]

WFS News: New T Rex fossil discovered

@ WFS,T Rex,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T sajeev A significant new Tyrannosaurus rex fossil has been unearthed by palaeontologists from the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture and the University of Washington (UW). The find includes a nearly complete skull. Despite the fact it is one of the most iconic and well-known dinosaurs, […]

WFS News:Soot may have killed off the dinosaurs and ammonites

A new hypothesis on the extinction of dinosaurs and ammonites at the end of the Cretaceous Period has been proposed by a research team from Tohoku University and the Japan Meteorological Agency’s Meteorological Research Institute. The researchers believe that massive amounts of stratospheric soot ejected from rocks following the famous Chicxulub asteroid impact, caused global […]

WFS News: New light shed on how vertebrates see

The success of vertebrates is linked to the evolution of a camera-style eye and sophisticated visual system. In the absence of useful data from fossils, scenarios for evolutionary assembly of the vertebrate eye have been based necessarily on evidence from development, molecular genetics and comparative anatomy in living vertebrates. Unfortunately, steps in the transition from […]

WFS News: Earth’s mantle appears to have a driving role in plate tectonics

Deep down below us is a tug of war moving at less than the speed of growing fingernails. Keeping your balance is not a concern, but how the movement happens has been debated among geologists. New findings from under the Pacific Northwest Coast by University of Oregon and University of Washington scientists now suggest a […]

WFS News : Heterodontosaurus tucki Fossil found in SA finally gives up its secrets

Johannesburg – A remarkable dinosaur fossil discovery made by a South African palaeontologist in 2005 has finally revealed its secrets.The fossil, the most complete ever found of a species known as Heterodontosaurus tucki, was recently scanned at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. The Evolutionary Studies Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand […]

WFS News: Murusraptor barrosaensis a New Megaraptoran Dinosaur

A new species of megaraptorid dinosaur discovered in Patagonia may help discern the evolutionary origins of the megaraptorid clade, according to a study published July 20, 2016 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Rodolfo Coria from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina, and Phillip Currie from the University of Alberta, Canada. […]

WFS News : Aftermath of a mass extinction

A new study of fossil fishes from Middle Triassic sediments on the shores of Lake Lugano provides new insights into the recovery of biodiversity following the great mass extinction event at the Permo-Triassic boundary 240 million years ago. The largest episode of mass extinction in the history of the Earth, which led to the demise […]