Citation: Salas-Gismondi R, Flynn JJ, Baby P, Tejada-Lara JV, Claude J, Antoine P-O (2016) A New 13 Million Year Old Gavialoid Crocodylian from Proto-Amazonian Mega-Wetlands Reveals Parallel Evolutionary Trends in Skull Shape Linked to Longirostry. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0152453. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152453 Editor: Laurent Viriot, Team ‘Evolution of Vertebrate Dentition’, FRANCE ABSTRACT: Gavialoid crocodylians are the archetypal […]
Posts Tagged ‘WFS’
13 Million Year Old Gavialoid Crocodylian Reveals Parallel Evolutionary Trend

World Fossil Society : Earth Day

WFS, World Fossil Society Celebrates Earth Day ……… Earth Day is being commemorated on the 22 April. Held around the world, it’s intended as a moment to reflect on and help preserve the health of the planet – but here are five things that you might not have known about the annual event. World Fossil […]
WFS News: Dinosaurs ‘already in decline’ before asteroid apocalypse

Dinosaurs were already in an evolutionary decline tens of millions of years before the meteorite impact that finally finished them off, new research has found. The findings provide a revolution in the understanding of dinosaur evolution. Palaeontologists previously thought that dinosaurs were flourishing right up until they were wiped out by a massive meteorite impact […]
Tullimonstrum gregarium was a vertebrate

A 300-million-year-old fossil mystery has been solved by a research team led by the University of Leicester, which has identified that the ancient ‘Tully Monster’ was a vertebrate — due to the unique characteristics of its eyes. Tullimonstrum gregarium or as it is more commonly known the ‘Tully Monster’, found only in coal quarries in […]
Elasmotherium sibiricum: A Siberian Unicorn

With a new discovery, paleontologists have found evidence that a Siberian “unicorn” likely walked the earth at the same time as humans. Lest visions of graceful white horses with golden, spiraled horns prance through your mind, let’s first establish that this beast is anything but. Much closer to today’s rhinoceroses than horses, Elasmotherium sibiricum was a gray, […]
A fossilized snake shows its true colors

Ten million years ago, a green and black snake lay coiled in the Spanish undergrowth. Once, paleontologists would have been limited to the knowledge they could glean from its colorless fossil remains, but now they know what the snake looked like and can guess how it acted. Researchers reporting on March 31 in Current Biology […]
Aquilonifer spinosus, an arthropod that lived about 430 million years

Scientists have discovered an ancient animal that carried its young in capsules tethered to the parent’s body like tiny, swirling kites. They’re naming it after “The Kite Runner,” the 2003 bestselling novel. The miniscule creature, Aquilonifer spinosus, was an arthropod that lived about 430 million years ago. It grew to less than half an inch […]
Evolution of some of the largest dinosaurs explained

Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev,World Fossil Society,WFS Scientists from the University of Liverpool have developed computer models of the bodies of sauropod dinosaurs to examine the evolution of their body shape. Sauropod dinosaurs include the largest land animals to have ever lived. Some of the more well-known sauropods include Diplodocus, Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus. They are […]
Synemporion keana : An Extinct Bat

The Hawaiian Islands have long been thought to support just one endemic land mammal in the archipelago’s brief geologic history, the Hawaiian hoary bat. But new fossil evidence indicates that a second, very different species of bat lived alongside the hoary bat for thousands of years before going extinct shortly after humans arrived on the […]
Seaweed fossils : Chinggiskhaania bifurcata

Honing in on when life on Earth evolved from single-celled to multicellular organisms is no easy task. Organisms that old lacked many distinguishing characteristics of modern life forms, making their fossils exceptionally rare. But University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee paleontologist Stephen Dornbos and his research partners have discovered new clues in the quest. The team found fossils […]