Posts Tagged ‘WFS’

How Mount Kosciuszko came to exist

Geologists from the University of Sydney and the California Institute of Technology have solved the mystery of how Australia’s highest mountain — Mount Kosciuszko — and surrounding Alps came to exist. Most of the world’s mountain belts are the result of two continents colliding (e.g. the Himalayas) or volcanism. The mountains of Australia’s Eastern highlands […]

Tullimonstrum gregarium: Solving the mystery of the Tully Monster

The Tully Monster, an oddly configured sea creature with teeth at the end of a narrow, trunk-like extension of its head and eyes that perch on either side of a long, rigid bar, has finally been identified. A Yale-led team of paleontologists has determined that the 300-million-year-old animal — which grew to only a foot […]

How Tyrannosaurus rex became top predator

The fossilized remains of a new horse-sized dinosaur reveal how Tyrannosaurus rex and its close relatives became top predators, according to a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Paleontologists have long known from the fossil record that the family of dinosaurs at the center of the study–tyrannosaurs–transitioned from small-bodied […]

Fossil of oldest pine tree discovered

Scientists have discovered the oldest-know fossil of a pine tree.The charred pine twigs date back 140 million years to a time when fires raged across large tracts of land.Pine trees now dominate the forests of the Northern Hemisphere. The research suggests the tree’s evolution was shaped in the fiery landscape of the Cretaceous, where oxygen […]

Electrokoenenia yaksha : The minute fossilized microwhip scorpion

It’s smaller than a grain of rice, yellowish, trapped in amber and lived 100 million years ago alongside dinosaurs. Meet Electrokoenenia yaksha, a newly described type of microwhip scorpion, or palpigrade, from Myanmar, whose minute fossilised remains have been found, trapped in Burmese amber. It has been described by an international team led by Michael […]

A fossilized lizard preserved in amber

A fossilized lizard preserved in amber and found in Southeast Asia is 99 million years old scientists have determined. That makes it the oldest ever specimen of its kind and could hold the key to a ‘lost ecosystem’.The fossil is about 75 million years older than the previous oldest lizard discovered, researchers at Florida Museum […]

Oldest fossil land organism identified

The earliest example of an organism living on land – an early type of fungus – has been identified. The organism, from 440 million years ago, likely kick-started the process of rot and soil formation, which encouraged the later growth and diversification of life on land. A fossil dating from 440 million years ago is […]

Fossilized Nervous System found

Researchers have found one of the oldest and most detailed fossils of the central nervous system yet identified, from a crustacean-like animal that lived more than 500 million years ago. The fossil, from southern China, has been so well preserved that individual nerves are visible, the first time this level of detail has been observed […]

Patagonia: The land of Jurassic-Era

Paleontologists in Argentina have announced the discovery of a major Jurassic-era fossil site four years after it was first discovered. The site, which spans 23,000 square miles (60,000 square kilometers) in Patagonia, southern Argentina, came to light this week with the publication of a report in the journal Ameghiniana. “No other place in the world […]

Fukuivenator : New Dinosaur from Japan

A new kind of dinosaur has been confirmed in Katsuyama, Fukui Prefecture, researchers said Friday, bringing the number of species discovered in Japan to seven. According to fossil analysis, the new creature was a small theropod that had both primitive and derived features, according to the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum and Fukui Prefectural University. It […]