Penn Dixie Paleontological Outdoor Education Center 2012 JUNE Programmes.

June 2, 2012 – 9 AM, North Coast Fossil Society, Cleveland, OH, members to visit Penn Dixie.

 June 3, 2012 – 1 PM to 4 PM Children’s Day. Celebrate Children’s Day at Penn Dixie! Special fun events for children and their families, prizes for children’s contests, viewing sunspots and other astronomy activities, fossil identification, and more! No pre-registration required. Adults $7, children 12 and under $6, children 2 and under and Penn Dixie members FREE.

fossil from Penn Dixie

fossil from Penn Dixie

 June 5, 2012, Tuesday, 5:30 PM – Special Astronomy program to view the partial Transit of Venus, through filtered telescopes that can be seen from around 6:15 PM, until sunset. This event is when Venus passes across the face of the Sun. The next time this happens is on Dec. 11, 2117. No pre-registration required. FREE.


 June 10, 2012 – 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM Penn Dixie Nature Cruise & Buffalo Lighthouse Tour. A 3-hour cruise where the experts discuss the regional geology, birds, fish, and features along the Lake Erie and Niagara River waterfront. After the 3-hour cruise visit and climb to the top of the Buffalo Lighthouse for a spectacular view of Buffalo and the waterfront. This is a unique and informational trip you do not want to miss. Call (716) 627-4560 for registration information and cost or visit Limited space available.

 June 15 – September 4, 2012, Penn Dixie open for fossil collecting 7-days a week. Visit or call (716) 627-4560 for directions and information. Adults $7, Children 12 & under $6, children 2 and under and Penn Dixie members FREE.

 June 16-17, 2012 – New York Paleontological Society members to visit Penn Dixie.

 June 23-24, 2012 – Cincinnati Dry Dredger members to visit Penn Dixie.

 June 23, 2012 – Saturday 8 PM – Astronomy Night at Penn Dixie to view Mercury low in the west, Mars and a Gibbous waxing moon in the southwest and Saturn just above the bright star Spica in Virgo. The Summer Triangle and Ring Nebula M57 in the east. The Globular star cluster M13. Ursa Major (Great Bear) with the nose-diving towards horizon, and a variety of other constellations. No pre-registrations required. $3/person, Penn Dixie Members FREE.

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