WFS News: Molecular and Paleontological Evidence for a Post-Cretaceous Origin of Rodents

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Molecular and Paleontological Evidence for a Post-Cretaceous Origin of Rodents

Citation: Wu S, Wu W, Zhang F, Ye J, Ni X, Sun J, et al. (2012) Molecular and Paleontological Evidence for a Post-Cretaceous Origin of Rodents. PLoS ONE 7(10): e46445.

Editor: Alistair Robert Evans, Monash University, Australia

The timing of the origin and diversification of rodents remains controversial, due to conflicting results from molecular clocks and paleontological data. The fossil record tends to support an early Cenozoic origin of crown-group rodents. In contrast, most molecular studies place the origin and initial diversification of crown-Rodentia deep in the Cretaceous, although some molecular analyses have recovered estimated divergence times that are more compatible with the fossil record. Here we attempt to resolve this conflict by carrying out a molecular clock investigation based on a nine-gene sequence dataset and a novel set of seven fossil constraints, including two new rodent records (the earliest known representatives of Cardiocraniinae and Dipodinae). Our results indicate that rodents originated around 61.7–62.4 Ma, shortly after the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary, and diversified at the intraordinal level around 57.7–58.9 Ma. These estimates are broadly consistent with the paleontological record, but challenge previous molecular studies that place the origin and early diversification of rodents in the Cretaceous. This study demonstrates that, with reliable fossil constraints, the incompatibility between paleontological and molecular estimates of rodent divergence times can be eliminated using currently available tools and genetic markers. Similar conflicts between molecular and paleontological evidence bedevil attempts to establish the origination times of other placental groups. The example of the present study suggests that more reliable fossil calibration points may represent the key to resolving these controversies.

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: Evidence of a belemnite’s “killer”

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T sajeev

During the early Jurassic period, a squid-like creature was in the midst of devouring a crustacean, when it was interrupted by another marine beast, possibly a shark, that chomped into its squishy side and killed it, a new study finds.

The shark swam away, but the crustacean and the squid-like animal — a 10-armed and two-finned creature called a belemnite — sank to the bottom of the sea, where they fossilized together over the subsequent eras in what is now Germany.

The resulting 180 million-year-old fossil is “unique,” one of about “10 specimens of belemnites with [well-preserved] soft tissues worldwide,” study lead researcher Christian Klug, curator of the University of Zurich’s Palaeontological Museum and a professor at its Palaeontological Institute, told Live Science in an email.

The specimen also shows how predators sometimes become prey themselves. “Predators tend to be happy when they are eating, forgetting to pay good attention to their surroundings and potential danger,” Klug said. “That might explain why the belemnite got caught, but there is no proof for that.”

The fossil also inspired a new term: pabulite, from the Latin words “pabulum” and “lithos,” which mean “food” and “stone,” respectively. Palubite refers to meal “leftovers” that never enter the predator’s digestive system and later fossilize — in this case, that leftover would be the belemnite, the researchers wrote in the study.

A pabulite can “provide evidence for incomplete predation,” which is likely what happened here, the researchers wrote in the study. In fact, it’s possible that the shark purposefully targeted the belemnite’s squishy parts, rather than its pointy hard tip, known as the rostrum. Vertebrate predators likely learned to avoid the hard-to-digest rostra, and as a result may have “bit off the soft parts, which were poorly protected,” the researchers wrote in the study.

Amataur fossil collector Dieter Weber discovered the specimen in 1970 in a small quarry near Holzmaden, a small village near Stuttgart in southwestern Germany. Study co-researcher Günter Schweigert, curator of Jurassic and Cretaceous invertebrates at the State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart (SMNS), saw the specimen in 2019 while visiting Weber’s collection, and SMNS purchased it soon after.

The fossilized remains of the belemnite (Passaloteuthis bisulcata) and the crustacean (Proeryon). Notice all the tiny hooks that covered the belemnite's arms (right). (Image credit: Klug et al. Swiss J Palaeontol (2021); (CC BY 4.0))

The fossilized remains of the belemnite (Passaloteuthis bisulcata) and the crustacean (Proeryon). Notice all the tiny hooks that covered the belemnite’s arms (right). (Image credit: Klug et al. Swiss J Palaeontol (2021); (CC BY 4.0))

Researchers immediately got to work studying the specimen. The belemnite, they discovered, was the well-known species Passaloteuthis laevigata, whose fossilized remains have been found in Europe and Morocco in rocks dating to the Toarcian age (183 million to 174 million years ago). P. laevigata was a small creature, with a nearly 4-inch-long (9.3 centimeters) bullet-shaped rostrum; each of its 10 arms were up to 3.5 inches (9 cm) long and carried double rows of arm-hooks. These hooks, 400 in all, would have helped P. laevigata grip slippery prey, Klug said.

“In this individual, two arms were modified, bearing large hooks,” Klug noted, “We guess that these were used for mating and possibly only males had them, while in females, all 10 arms were similar, but we have no proof for that yet.”

An illustration of the fossilized remains. Notice the belemnite's rostrum (left) and its large hooks (right). (Image credit: Klug et al. Swiss J Palaeontol (2021); (CC BY 4.0))

An illustration of the fossilized remains. Notice the belemnite’s rostrum (left) and its large hooks (right). (Image credit: Klug et al. Swiss J Palaeontol (2021); (CC BY 4.0))

Belemnites are now extinct, but fossils reveal that they had an internal shell surrounded by muscles and skin, Klug said. These strong horizontal swimmers actively preyed on sealife, including fish and crustaceans, and in turn were eaten by sharks and dolphin-like predators known as ichthyosaurs, he said.

So, it’s no surprise that this belemnite was chomping on a crustacean from the genus Proeryon, which had a broad and flat lobster-like body and long, slender claws, Klug said. However, the Proeryon was poorly preserved, so “we think that these are remains of an old skin (a molt),” he wrote in the email. “Crayfish remove much of the calcium from the shell before they molt, because they later put it into the new skin.”

Cephalopods (a group that includes octopuses, squid and nautiluses) “do love to eat this old skin,” Klug added. “Much of it is lying really between the arms of the belemnite, quite close to its mouth, so it is likely that the belemnite was actually feeding on it.”

Although parts of the belemnite are well preserved, including its rostrum and arms, much of its body is missing. This is why “we must conclude that a larger predator ate most of the belemnite,” Klug said.

What ate the belemnite?

A prime candidate for the belemnite’s “killer” is the early Jurassic shark Hybodus hauffianus. A previously described H. hauffianus fossil was stuffed with belemnite remains, including dozens of rostra.

That particular H. hauffianus “possibly ran into a swarm of belemnites and got too enthusiastic about it: It ate about 200 of them but forgot to bite off the rostra, thereby clogging its stomach, which eventually killed it,” Klug said.

Other suspects include large predatory fish, such as Pachycormus and Saurorhynchus, the marine crocodile Steneosaurus, and the ichthyosaur Stenopterygius, whose fossilized stomach remains contain belemnite mega-hooks, the researchers wrote in the study.

The study was published online April 29 in the Swiss Journal of Palaeontology.

Originally published on Live Science.

Source: Article By   ,
@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T sajeev

WFS News: Shingopana, New species of gigantic, long necked dinosaur

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Shingopana roamed the Cretaceous landscape alongside Rukwatitan bisepultus, another titanosaur identified in 2014

Shingopana roamed the Cretaceous landscape alongside Rukwatitan bisepultus, another titanosaur identified in 2014

Scientists have discovered a new species of long-necked titanosaurian dinosaur in Tanzania that lived about 70 to 100 million years ago.

The new species named Shingopana songwensis is a member of the gigantic, long-necked sauropods. Its fossil was discovered in the Songwe region of the Great Rift Valley in southwestern Tanzania.

“There are anatomical features present only in Shingopana and in several South American titanosaurs, but not in other African titanosaurs,” said Eric Gorscak, a paleontologist at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, US.

“Shingopana had siblings in South America, whereas other African titanosaurs were only distant cousins,” Gorscak added.

The team conducted phylogenetic analyses to understand the evolutionary relationships of these and other titanosaurs.

They found that Shingopana was more closely related to titanosaurs of South America than to any of the other species currently known from Africa or elsewhere.

Source : Zee

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev


WFS News: Evidence of ancient protein?

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Dinosaurs roamed the Earth more than 65 million years ago, and paleontologists and amateur fossil hunters are still unearthing traces of them today. The minerals in fossilized eggs and shell fragments provide snapshots into these creatures’ early lives, as well as their fossilization processes. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Earth and Space Chemistry have analyzed the molecular makeup of fossilized dinosaur eggshells from Mexico, finding nine amino acids and evidence of ancient protein structures.

Current research indicates that all dinosaurs laid eggs, though most haven’t survived the test of time. And because whole eggs and shell fragments are very rare fossils, their mineral composition has not been widely investigated. Previously, Abel Moreno and colleagues reported the micro-architectures of eggshells from several species of dinosaurs found in Baja California. Although other teams have shown that some dinosaur eggshells contained calcium carbonate, carbohydrates and other compounds, no one has done similar analyses on the shells of species that Moreno’s team had collected. So, as a next step, these researchers wanted to look at the mineral and organic carbon-based components in fossilized eggshells from species that hatched in the Late Cretaceous.

The researchers collected five fossilized eggshells from dinosaurs in the Theropod (bipedal carnivores) and Hadrosauridae (duck-billed dinosaurs) families and an unidentified ootaxon. They found that calcium carbonate was the primary mineral, with smaller amounts of albite and quartz crystals. Anhydrite, hydroxyapatite and iron oxide impurities were also present in the shells, which the researchers suggest replaced some of the original minerals during fossilization. Then, with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), the team found nine amino acids among the five samples, but only lysine was in all of them. In addition, they identified evidence of secondary protein structures, including turns, ?-helices, ?-sheets and disordered structures, which were preserved for millions of years by being engrained in the minerals. The FT-IR bands corresponding to amino acids and secondary structures could be indicative of ancestral proteins that have not been characterized before, the researchers say.

  1. Nerith Rocío Elejalde-Cadena, José Octavio Estevez, Vicente Torres-Costa, María Dolores Ynsa-Alcalá, Gastón García-López, Abel Moreno. Molecular Analysis of the Mineral Phase and Examination of Possible Intramineral Proteins of Dinosaur Eggshells Collected in El Rosario, Baja California, MexicoACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2021; 5 (6): 1552 DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.1c00077
@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: Enantiornithes,smallest known prehistoric baby bird

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Image courtesy: University of Manchester

                                             Image courtesy: University of Manchester

A tiny fossil of a prehistoric baby bird dating back to the Mesozoic Era (250-65 million years ago) has been discovered by scientists, which they feel can help them understand how early avians came into the world in the age of dinosaurs.

According to researchers at the University of Manchester in the UK, the fossil is a chick from a group of prehistoric birds called Enantiornithes.

Measuring less than five centimeters – smaller than the little finger on an average human hand – the specimen is amongst the smallest known Mesozoic avian fossils ever discovered. It is made up of a nearly complete skeleton and would have weighed just three ounces when it was alive.

What makes this fossil so important and unique is the fact it died not long after its birth, researchers said. This is a critical stage in a bird’s skeletal formation. That means this bird’s extremely short life has given researchers a rare chance to analyze the species’ bone structure and development.

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@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev


WFS News: Fossil pollen ‘sneeze’ caught by research team

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Like capturing a sneeze, researchers including a University of Guelph scientist have recorded the only known example of prehistoric pollen caught in explosive mid-discharge from a fossil flower.

The team describes this “freeze-frame” fossilized pollen release — preserved in amber more than 20 million years ago — in a paper describing a new genus of fossil nettle plants.

The researchers captured on camera pollen explosions.

The paper is co-authored by Peter Kevan, emeritus professor in the School of Environmental Sciences. It appears in the journal Botany alongside another paper by a second team that also includes the U of G researcher.

That second paper looks at a modern-day plant relative in Latin America that is surprising researchers with its use of explosive pollen release, a fair-weather dispersal method seemingly ill-suited to its home in humid tropical rainforests.

In their fossil paper, Kevan and his co-authors describe a new genus (Ekrixanthera, meaning “explosive anther”) containing two new species of extinct plants related to modern-day nettles.

These fossil plants were preserved during the mid-Tertiary period, said Kevan. By then, dinosaurs were long-extinct and non-human mammals roamed Earth.

The samples came from the Dominican Republic and Mexico.

One Mexican sample has preserved pollen grains caught in mid-discharge from the male plant’s anther.

This pollen burst normally takes less than one-tenth of a second, said Kevan. “It’s remarkable that it was captured. It’s like catching a sneeze.”

He was asked to help identify the plants by lead author George Poinar Jr., an expert on amber fossils at Oregon State University.

“We ended up with the new genus because the flowers do not match those of any modern species,” said Kevan. “This tells us something about how old that group of plants is, and that this pollination mechanism goes back a long way.”

That form of pollen dispersal is also described in the second paper about modern-day tropical nettles. Boehmeria caudata grows from southern North America to northern Argentina.

Explosive pollen release is “something you don’t expect in the rainforest. Pollen blasted into the air is likely to get rained out.”

Most tropical plants rely instead on such creatures as insects, bats and birds rather than wind pollination, said Kevan.

In this group of nettles, the male plant disperses its pollen during short dry periods. Even during the rainy season, short sunny periods of high heat and low humidity trigger pollen release.

Drying causes parts of its stamens to shrink unevenly. Physical tension ruptures the anther to release an explosive burst of pollen.

That quick-release mechanism propels pollen into air currents and allows the male flowers to react to short-term weather conditions.

Kevan’s co-authors are students at the University of Sao Paulo led by Paula Maria Montoya-Pfeiffer. They studied Boehmeria during a pollination course taught in Brazil by Kevan in late 2014.

He and colleagues have taught that course in several Latin American countries for decades.

  1. George Poinar, Peter G. Kevan, Betsy R. Jackes. Fossil species in Boehmerieae (Urticaceae) in Dominican and Mexican amber: a new genus (Ekrixanthera) and two new species with anemophilous pollination by explosive pollen release, and possible lepidopteran herbivory1Botany, 2016; 94 (8): 599 DOI: 10.1139/cjb-2016-0006
Source: University of Guelph. “Fossil pollen ‘sneeze’ caught by research team.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 30 August 2016. <>
@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: Angiosperms were around during the Jurassic ?

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

We may recognize our world by its flowering plants and trees, but evolutionarily speaking angiosperms are the new kids on the block, coming after epochs when giant fungus ruled the Earth and nonflowering trees, including cycads and conifers, fed dinosaurs.

A controversial study is now suggesting that flowering plants aren’t quite as newfangled as we thought. As Laura Geggel at LiveScience reports, fossils found in the South Xiangshan Formation in China’s Nanjing region could be evidence that the first species of angiosperm blossomed some 174 million years ago—that’s 50 million years earlier than when most flowering plant fossil material begins to show up.

One of the flower-strewn slabs. (NIGPAS)

                                                             One of the flower-strewn slabs. (NIGPAS)

“The origin of angiosperms has long been an academic headache for many botanists,” says co-author Wang Xin of Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGPAS), in a press release. “Our discovery has moved the botany field forward and will allow a better understanding of angiosperms.”

Researchers examined 264 specimens of 198 individual flowers, preserved in 34 rock slabs from the region, for the paper, published in the journal eLife. Because there were so many samples available, the researchers could dissect some of the ancient plants and look at them using high-powered microscopy. The study details features of the specimens, including what they believe to be ovules, or seeds before pollination, a feature that would confirm the fossils as angiosperms.

If they are ovules, it would be a big deal. Evidence currently places the emergence of flowering plants during the Lower Cretaceous period, about 125 million years ago, when angiosperms seemed to spring up out of nowhere before taking over the Earth in a 30 million-year rampage. There is some evidence of an early history of angiosperms we have missed, a discrepancy that could be resolved by the study’s findings. However, paleobotanists are skeptical of the study’s claims.

Patrick Herendeen, senior director of systematics and evolutionary biology at the Chicago Botanic Garden, tells in an email that the photographs included in the study are by no means conclusive. Dismissing the findings as “a load of rubbish,” he says that the photographs of the fossils can be interpreted differently than they have been in the paper. “The fossils are possibly conifer remains but I have not seen any more than the photographs in the plates,” he writes.

Claims of ancient angiosperms require extraordinary evidence. Flowers are particularly fragile and don’t show up well in the fossil record, and other objects can easily be misinterpreted as flower parts. Back in 2015, NIGPAS researchers revealed what they believed to be a 162 million-year-old angiosperm, but other experts weren’t convinced by those fossils, either, explains Becky Oskin at LiveScience, as the sample had been documented more than 40 years prior by a self-taught fossil expert.

Paleobotanists are particularly careful when it comes to the history of flowers since, back in 2002, a specimen made a splash when it was dated up to 144 years old but turned out to be 20 million years younger than that.

If these fossils are, indeed, what the study’s authors are claiming, it raises the question of whether the species—which the researchers have named Nanjinganthus dendrostyla—is an ancient ancestor of all the flowering plants we have today or an evolutionary dead-end, meaning that its line didn’t persist onward. That would give us a foothold into answering whether flowering plants are monophyletic, meaning they all descended from one common ancestor, or whether they are polyphyletic, meaning they came from a variety of ancestral groups.

Source: Article By Jason Daley, SMITHSONIANMAG.COM

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News:World’s Oldest Flower Unfurled Its Petals More Than 174 Million Years Ago

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Dinosaurs that lived during the early Jurassic period could stop and smell the flowers if they so desired, according to a new study that describes the oldest fossil flower on record.

The flower, named Nanjinganthus dendrostyla, lived more than 174 million years ago, the researchers said. Until now, the oldest widely accepted evidence of a flowering plant, also known as an angiosperm, dated to the Cretaceous period, roughly 130 million years ago. Meanwhile, a study using a computer model estimated that flowers evolved about 140 million years ago.

The fossil of the world's oldest flowering plant (left) with an illustration of what it might have looked like some 174 million years ago (right). (Image credit: Fu et al., 2018/CC BY 4.0 license; NIGPAS)

The fossil of the world’s oldest flowering plant (left) with an illustration of what it might have looked like some 174 million years ago (right). (Image credit: Fu et al., 2018/CC BY 4.0 license; NIGPAS)

“Researchers were not certain where and how flowers came into existence, because it seems that many flowers just popped up in the Cretaceous from nowhere,” study lead author Qiang Fu, an associate research professor at the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology in China, said in a statement. “Studying fossil flowers, especially those from earlier geologic periods, is the only reliable way to get an answer to these questions.”

To describe the ancient flower, Fu and his colleagues examined 264 specimens from 198 individual flowers that were preserved in rock slabs. These slabs came from the South Xiangshan Formation, a rocky area in China’s Nanjing region that contains fossils from the early Jurassic period. The researchers found many detailed fossil specimens of the flower, which they then analyzed with high-powered microscopes.

The flower had spoon-shaped petals and a stalky style that rose out of its center, according to the fossils.

This fossil shows a profile of a flower, including its ovary (bottom center), sepals and petals (on either side), and tree-shaped style (top). (Image credit: Fu et al., 2018/CC BY 4.0 license)

This fossil shows a profile of a flower, including its ovary (bottom center), sepals and petals (on either side), and tree-shaped style (top). (Image credit: Fu et al., 2018/CC BY 4.0 license)

One key feature of angiosperms comes in the “angio-ovuly,” or fully enclosed ovules — precursors of seeds, which appear before pollination occurs. The newly discovered N. dendrostyla has a cup-like receptacle and an ovarian roof that come together to enclose the ovules and seeds. This structure confirms that the newfound plant was an angiosperm, the researchers said.

Some of the researchers on the study also took part in a 2015 study about a 160-million-year-old flower, Live Science previously reported. However, that specimen, dubbed Euanthus panii, is controversial because it was found by an amateur fossil collector in China and its age is uncertain.

As for N. dendrostyla, the researchers said they hope it will shed light on the early family tree of flowers. The scientists are still trying to figure out whether N. dendrostyla is monophyletic, which would mean it’s part of an early angiosperm group that gave rise to later flower species, or polyphyletic, which would mean it’s an evolutionary dead end that has little to do with flowers that sprouted after it.

“The origin of angiosperms has long been an academic headache for many botanists,” study senior author Xin Wang, a research professor at the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, said in the statement. “Our discovery has moved the botany field forward and will allow a better understanding of angiosperms, which in turn will enhance our ability to efficiently use and look after our planet’s plant-based resources.”

The study was published online yesterday (Dec. 18) in the journal eLife.

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: Earth’s oldest minerals date onset of plate tectonics to 3.6 billion years ago

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

Scientists led by Michael Ackerson, a research geologist at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, provide new evidence that modern plate tectonics, a defining feature of Earth and its unique ability to support life, emerged roughly 3.6 billion years ago.

Earth is the only planet known to host complex life and that ability is partly predicated on another feature that makes the planet unique: plate tectonics. No other planetary bodies known to science have Earth’s dynamic crust, which is split into continental plates that move, fracture and collide with each other over eons. Plate tectonics afford a connection between the chemical reactor of Earth’s interior and its surface that has engineered the habitable planet people enjoy today, from the oxygen in the atmosphere to the concentrations of climate-regulating carbon dioxide. But when and how plate tectonics got started has remained mysterious, buried beneath billions of years of geologic time.

The study, published May 14 in the journal Geochemical Perspectives Letters, uses zircons, the oldest minerals ever found on Earth, to peer back into the planet’s ancient past.

The oldest of the zircons in the study, which came from the Jack Hills of Western Australia, were around 4.3 billion years old — which means these nearly indestructible minerals formed when the Earth itself was in its infancy, only roughly 200 million years old. Along with other ancient zircons collected from the Jack Hills spanning Earth’s earliest history up to 3 billion years ago, these minerals provide the closest thing researchers have to a continuous chemical record of the nascent world.

“We are reconstructing how the Earth changed from a molten ball of rock and metal to what we have today,” Ackerson said. “None of the other planets have continents or liquid oceans or life. In a way, we are trying to answer the question of why Earth is unique, and we can answer that to an extent with these zircons.”

To look billions of years into Earth’s past, Ackerson and the research team collected 15 grapefruit-sized rocks from the Jack Hills and reduced them into their smallest constituent parts — minerals — by grinding them into sand with a machine called a chipmunk. Fortunately, zircons are very dense, which makes them relatively easy to separate from the rest of the sand using a technique similar to gold panning.

The team tested more than 3,500 zircons, each just a couple of human hairs wide, by blasting them with a laser and then measuring their chemical composition with a mass spectrometer. These tests revealed the age and underlying chemistry of each zircon. Of the thousands tested, about 200 were fit for study due to the ravages of the billions of years these minerals endured since their creation.

“Unlocking the secrets held within these minerals is no easy task,” Ackerson said. “We analyzed thousands of these crystals to come up with a handful of useful data points, but each sample has the potential to tell us something completely new and reshape how we understand the origins of our planet.”

A zircon’s age can be determined with a high degree of precision because each one contains uranium. Uranium’s famously radioactive nature and well-quantified rate of decay allow scientists to reverse engineer how long the mineral has existed.

The aluminum content of each zircon was also of interest to the research team. Tests on modern zircons show that high-aluminum zircons can only be produced in a limited number of ways, which allows researchers to use the presence of aluminum to infer what may have been going on, geologically speaking, at the time the zircon formed.

After analyzing the results of the hundreds of useful zircons from among the thousands tested, Ackerson and his co-authors deciphered a marked increase in aluminum concentrations roughly 3.6 billion years ago.

“This compositional shift likely marks the onset of modern-style plate tectonics and potentially could signal the emergence of life on Earth,” Ackerson said. “But we will need to do a lot more research to determine this geologic shift’s connections to the origins of life.”

The line of inference that links high-aluminum zircons to the onset of a dynamic crust with plate tectonics goes like this: one of the few ways for high-aluminum zircons to form is by melting rocks deeper beneath Earth’s surface.

“It’s really hard to get aluminum into zircons because of their chemical bonds,” Ackerson said. “You need to have pretty extreme geologic conditions.”

Ackerson reasons that this sign that rocks were being melted deeper beneath Earth’s surface meant the planet’s crust was getting thicker and beginning to cool, and that this thickening of Earth’s crust was a sign that the transition to modern plate tectonics was underway.

Prior research on the 4 billion-year-old Acasta Gneiss in northern Canada also suggests that Earth’s crust was thickening and causing rock to melt deeper within the planet.

“The results from the Acasta Gneiss give us more confidence in our interpretation of the Jack Hills zircons,” Ackerson said. “Today these locations are separated by thousands of miles, but they’re telling us a pretty consistent story, which is that around 3.6 billion years ago something globally significant was happening.”

This work is part of the museum’s new initiative called Our Unique Planet, a public-private partnership, which supports research into some of the most enduring and significant questions about what makes Earth special. Other research will investigate the source of Earth’s liquid oceans and how minerals may have helped spark life.

Ackerson said he hopes to follow up these results by searching the ancient Jack Hills zircons for traces of life and by looking at other supremely old rock formations to see if they too show signs of Earth’s crust thickening around 3.6 billion years ago.

Funding and support for this research were provided by the Smithsonian and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Journal Reference:

  1. M.R. Ackerson, D. Trail, J. Buettner. Emergence of peraluminous crustal magmas and implications for the early EarthGeochemical Perspectives Letters, 2021; 17: 50 DOI: 10.7185/geochemlet.2114
Smithsonian. “Earth’s oldest minerals date onset of plate tectonics to 3.6 billion years ago: Ancient zircons from the jack hills of western Australia hone date of an event that was crucial to making the planet hospitable to life.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 14 May 2021. <>.
@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: A new basal hadrosaurid (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the latest Cretaceous Kita-ama Formation in Japan implies the origin of hadrosaurids

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

An international team of paleontologists has identified a new genus and species of hadrosaur or duck-billed dinosaur, Yamatosaurus izanagii, on one of Japan’s southern islands.

The fossilized discovery yields new information about hadrosaur migration, suggesting that the herbivors migrated from Asia to North America instead of vice versa. The discovery also illustrates an evolutionary step as the giant creatures evolved from walking upright to walking on all fours. Most of all, the discovery provides new information and asks new questions about dinosaurs in Japan.

The research, “A New Basal Hadrosaurid (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) From the latest Cretaceous Kita-ama Formation in Japan implies the origin of Hadrosaurids,” was recently published in Scientific Reports. Authors include Yoshitsugu Kobayashi of Hokkaido University Museum, Ryuji Takasaki of Okayama University of Science, Katsuhiro Kubota of Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo and Anthony R. Fiorillo of Southern Methodist University.

Map of Japan, showing the localities of Yamatosaurus izanagii gen. et sp. nov. on Awaji Island (green star), Kamuysaurus japonicus in Mukawa Town (blue star), and other Late Cretaceous hadrosauroids (red circles) (a) and the location of Locality Aw14 on Awaji Island (b). Ammonite biostratigraphy, showing the position of the Nostoceras hetonaiense Zone (c). Stratigraphic sections of the Kita-ama and Hakobuchi formations (d) and depositional environments of Yamatosaurus izanagii (green star) and Kamuysaurus japonicus (blue star) (e). Note that (d) differs from Fig. 1 of Tanaka et al.27 because we corrected errors, including the scale and the stratigraphic boundaries between the Kita-ama and Noda formations and between the Campanian and Maastrichtian. Silhouette of Yamatosaurus izanagii, showing recovered skeletal elements (f) (Courtesy of Genya Masukawa). Life reconstruction of Yamatosaurus izanagii (left) and Kamuysaurus japonicus (right) (g) (Courtesy of Masato Hattori). (a) and (b) were created by one of the authors of this paper, Katsuhiro Kubota, by using Adobe Illustrator 2021 (

Map of Japan, showing the localities of Yamatosaurus izanagii gen. et sp. nov. on Awaji Island (green star), Kamuysaurus japonicus in Mukawa Town (blue star), and other Late Cretaceous hadrosauroids (red circles) (a) and the location of Locality Aw14 on Awaji Island (b). Ammonite biostratigraphy, showing the position of the Nostoceras hetonaiense Zone (c). Stratigraphic sections of the Kita-ama and Hakobuchi formations (d) and depositional environments of Yamatosaurus izanagii (green star) and Kamuysaurus japonicus (blue star) (e). Note that (d) differs from Fig. 1 of Tanaka et al.27 because we corrected errors, including the scale and the stratigraphic boundaries between the Kita-ama and Noda formations and between the Campanian and Maastrichtian. Silhouette of Yamatosaurus izanagii, showing recovered skeletal elements (f) (Courtesy of Genya Masukawa). Life reconstruction of Yamatosaurus izanagii (left) and Kamuysaurus japonicus (right) (g) (Courtesy of Masato Hattori). (a) and (b) were created by one of the authors of this paper, Katsuhiro Kubota, by using Adobe Illustrator 2021 (

Hadrosaurs, known for their broad, flattened snouts, are the most commonly found of all dinosaurs. The plant-eating dinosaurs lived in the Late Cretaceous period more than 65 million years ago and their fossilized remains have been found in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

Uniquely adapted to chewing, hadrosaurs had hundreds of closely spaced teeth in their cheeks. As their teeth wore down and fell out, new teeth in the dental battery, or rows of teeth below existing teeth, grew in as replacements. Hadrosaurs’ efficient ability to chew vegetation is among the factors that led to its diversity, abundance and widespread population, researchers say.

The Yamatosaurus’ dental structure distinguishes it from known hadrosaurs, says Fiorillo, senior fellow at SMU’s Institute for the Study of Earth and Man. Unlike other hadrosaurs, he explains, the new hadrosaur has just one functional tooth in several battery positions and no branched ridges on the chewing surfaces, suggesting that it evolved to devour different types of vegetation than other hadrosaurs.

An isolated dentary tooth of Yamatosaurus izanagii gen. et sp. nov. from left side in lingual (a) and mesial (b) views and its denticles (c). Isolated dentary teeth of Yamatosaurus izanagii gen. et sp. nov. from left side in distal (d,f) and occlusal (e,g) views. Dentary teeth of Yamatosaurus izanagii gen. et sp. nov. in place on the right dentary in lingual (h) and occlusal (i) view. Numbers in (h), (i), and (j) are tooth positions. Occlusal surfaces of the eleventh and fourteenth teeth are highlighted in light gray in (i). Scales for (a), (b), and (d) to (i) are 1 cm. Scales for (c) and (j) are 0.5 mm and 3 cm, respectively.

An isolated dentary tooth of Yamatosaurus izanagii gen. et sp. nov. from left side in lingual (a) and mesial (b) views and its denticles (c). Isolated dentary teeth of Yamatosaurus izanagii gen. et sp. nov. from left side in distal (d,f) and occlusal (e,g) views. Dentary teeth of Yamatosaurus izanagii gen. et sp. nov. in place on the right dentary in lingual (h) and occlusal (i) view. Numbers in (h), (i), and (j) are tooth positions. Occlusal surfaces of the eleventh and fourteenth teeth are highlighted in light gray in (i). Scales for (a), (b), and (d) to (i) are 1 cm. Scales for (c) and (j) are 0.5 mm and 3 cm, respectively.

Yamatosaurus also is distinguished by the development of its shoulder and forelimbs, an evolutionary step in hadrosaurid’s gait change from a bipedal to a quadrupedal dinosaur, he says.

“In the far north, where much of our work occurs, hadrosaurs are known as the caribou of the Cretaceous,” says Fiorillo. They most likely used the Bering Land Bridge to cross from Asia to present-day Alaska and then spread across North America as far east as Appalachia, he says. When hadrosaurs roamed Japan, the island country was attached to the eastern coast of Asia. Tectonic activity separated the islands from the mainland about 15 million years ago, long after dinosaurs became extinct.

The partial specimen of the Yamatosaurus was discovered in 2004 by an amateur fossil hunter in an approximately 71- to 72-million-year-old layer of sediment in a cement quarry on Japan’s Awaji Island. The preserved lower jaw, teeth, neck vertebrae, shoulder bone and tail vertebra were found by Mr. Shingo Kishimoto and given to Japan’s Museum of Nature and Human Activities in the Hyogo Prefecture, where they were stored until studied by the team.

“Japan is mostly covered with vegetation with few outcrops for fossil-hunting,” says Yoshitsugu Kobayashi, professor at Hokkaido University Museum. “The help of amateur fossil-hunters has been very important.”

Kobayashi has worked with SMU paleontologist Tony Fiorillo since 1999 when he studied under Fiorillo as a Ph.D. student. They have collaborated to study hadrosaurs and other dinosaurs in Alaska, Mongolia and Japan. Together they created their latest discovery’s name. Yamato is the ancient name for Japan and Izanagi is a god from Japanese mythology who created the Japanese islands, beginning with Awaji Island, where Yamatosaurus was found.

Yamatosaurus is the second new species of hadrosaurid that Kobayashi and Fiorillo have identified in Japan. In 2019 they reported the discovery of the largest dinosaur skeleton found in Japan, another hadrosaurid, Kamuysaurus, discovered on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido.

“These are the first dinosaurs discovered in Japan from the late Cretaceous period,” Kobayashi says. “Until now, we had no idea what dinosaurs lived in Japan at the end of the dinosaur age,” he says. “The discovery of these Japanese dinosaurs will help us to fill a piece of our bigger vision of how dinosaurs migrated between these two continents,” Kobayashi says.


Journal Reference:

  1. Yoshitsugu Kobayashi, Ryuji Takasaki, Katsuhiro Kubota, Anthony R. Fiorillo. A new basal hadrosaurid (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the latest Cretaceous Kita-ama Formation in Japan implies the origin of hadrosauridsScientific Reports, 2021; 11 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-87719-5

@WFS,World Fossil Society,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev